[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

I just got myself a Aqara U200 lock, I added it to Home Assistant via Matter. I got the “controls” - Lock/Unlock.
Can I in some way present that as a binary sensor, so that my Alarmo can see it ? I have tried various template sensores without luck.

I made this one, but when the lock changes, the state does not.
{% if is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘lock’) %}
{% elif is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘unlock’) %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

TemplateRookie :slight_smile:

Try this instead:

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: "My Lock"
        state: "{{ is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘locked’) }}"
        availability: "{{ is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘locked’) or is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘unlocked’) }}"
        device_class: lock

Note that this sensor will be active when the lock is closed/locked.
Assuming this is the normal/safe state, you may want to invert this by changing the template above to:

state: "{{ is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘unlocked’) }}"

Thanks for your answer.
When I put that in my conf.yaml it gives me a Syntax error and I cant figure out why ?

Here is the log

2024-10-24 09:46:09.489 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for ‘template’ at configuration.yaml, line 283: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: unexpected char ‘‘’ at 12) for dictionary value ‘binary_sensor->0->state’, got ‘{{ is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘locked’) }}’

Invalid config for ‘template’ at configuration.yaml, line 284: invalid template (TemplateSyntaxError: unexpected char ‘‘’ at 12) for dictionary value ‘binary_sensor->0->availability’, got ‘{{ is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘locked’) or is_state(‘lock.door_lock_lock’, ‘unlocked’) }}’

Hello, I am experimenting with Alarmo. I have Ring through ring-mqtt which allows me to expose the ring contact sensors in HA and Alarmo but I would need to remove ring-mqtt to be completely local ,correct? Which also means I would also need to re-pair all sensors? What do I do with the doorbell camera? Is that something I can have in Alarmo? Would love to go without Ring completely but too much invested. Also, does the Chime-Pro work in Alarmo with tones when a door is opened? I saw the post on integrating the keypad so I am good there. Thank you for any insight.

Hi, welcome to the forum!

AFAIK Ring always is cloud based ring-mqtt is a way to use your devices in HA.
The easiest way to check this is to disconnect your internet to see what happens with your Ring devices in HA.

Of course, by removing the ring-mqtt config, you go local but your Ring devices probably will not be usable with HA.
That’s the price for having cloud-only devices.
From the Settings → Devices & services panel you can see which integration depends on the cloud

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