[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

You’re welcome! :slight_smile: Asked and answered within a quarter of an hour! :partying_face: :laughing:

Have a nice weekend! :slight_smile:

Hello Everyone
I have 27 sensors connected from Delta Dore/Tydom to Home Assistant via MQTT who are not discovered by Alarmo…
Sensor type : open/locked (integrate into the door & window of the house)
Manufacturer : Delta Dore / Tydom

Home assistant sensor well see when door or window are locked or not.

Anyone gave same type of issue ?

Hi everyone,
I have to get in touch here because of a few questions about ALARMO.
But first of all, a big compliment and thanks for this integration and the work that has been put into it. I think it’s great to be able to have such an integration in Home Assistant :slight_smile:
I have already installed and configured ALARMO and it is already running in a minimal configuration as an alarm system for our house. Everything is fine up to this point, but I am totally confused in some places and most of all with the notification via TELEGRAM.
I have found a few posts on the internet where TELEGRAM seems to be integrated into the ALARMO notifications, because the TELEGRAM service was available and selectable in the ALARMO notifications. On other places, I have read that the TELEGRAM service was suddenly no longer available in ALARMO, but could be solve by adding the necessary lines of code to the ALARMO notification via YAML and the notification via TELEGRAM still worked.
And for me…, nothing, unfortunately nothing at all.
The TELEGRAM service does not appear when I configure a notification in ALARMO. Adding the TELEGRAM lines in the yaml code of the ALARMO notification does not help me either, it is simply not accepted in ALARMO and an error appears regarding the service.
In short, I simply cannot use TELEGRAM in ALARMO.
I have somehow managed to do it using a helper, but I don’t really like it.
The main reason that I don’t think my current solution using a helper is so great is that I am missing some options that I have in the notifications created natively in ALARMO.
For example, the user name stored behind the PIN code can be sent in notifications when activating, deactivating, triggering, etc., as well as the sensor name that caused the triggering…
Another point that caught my attention is the lack of a status in Home Assistant for “failed armed”, which would also be a useful information I wanna send via notification.
This currently doesn’t seem to be possible at all in ALARMO, not even in a notification created in ALARMO…, because this status is simply not available for selection.
I’m kind of caught between two stools now, because on the one hand I really like the ALARMO integration and want to continue using it to its full extent, but on the other hand I want to send all my Home Assistant notifications via Telegram, as I have done so far.
In desperation, because I don’t know whether the missing TELEGRAM service in ALARMO is a bug or a missing function, I have already created a “bug report” on Github…, but so far without any feedback.
It would be great and I would be very grateful if anyone could shed some light on this fog :slight_smile:

Thank you for any information and help I can get.


there is a way to get the notification also when the device is locked? I can’t get the notification util I unlock my android phone. With the “traditional automation” in HA I configure something like that

color: "#2DF56D"
ttl: 0
priority: high
channel: motion
importance: high
vibrationPattern: 100, 1000, 100, 1000, 100
ledColor: red

how I can achieve the same result with Alarmo builtin notification?

Is possible to add the Cover entities to show on alarmo like sensors? i want to add my garage doors if someone tryes to break in from there, try to open the door by force

Hi - I am having issues getting the MQTT interface to work. I have tried to follow GitHub - nielsfaber/alarmo: Easy to use alarm system integration for Home Assistant but I am not having any luck. I am trying to get my alarm keypad KEPZB-110 to work via Node red and Alarmo.

I am sending the command {"command":"ARM_AWAY","code":"1234"} to the MQTT topic “alarmo/command” but nothing happens. I can arm alarmo from Hassio so I figure my commands are being ignored from Alarmo. Proberply something really simple but I just can seem to figure out what is missing. MQTT is enabled and the command topic is set to “alarmo/command”. The code is required to be sent along (set the flag) and all pre-requsits are met (doors closed etc.).

What am I missing? :face_with_peeking_eye:

Are you using the HA app on your phone for the notifications? It should work fine when locked.

This is what I have in Alarmo:

service: notify.mobile_phones
  title: ""
  message: The alarm is set to {{arm_mode}}
    ttl: 0
    priority: high
    car_ui: true

Something I was wondering about. What is the difference between using the alarm_control_panel.* actions and the alarmo.* actions? Which one should I be using and is there a benefit using the alarmo.* actions?

I have many sensors connected through Tuya that are not discovered by Alarmo even though they appear in “Developer Tools > States” as sensors.
I was wondering if we can manually add sensors in Alarmo by editing one of it’s files maybe?

Check what the device_class is set to for these sensors.

I am having a hard time configuring notifications.
My detection devices were described in HA like “Door-Device Code” and are always designated to a specific room (area).
So my Kitchen Door is “Door-CS10”, allocated to “Kitchen” area

With that in mind (and instead of renaming everything), I would like to customize the message in the notification to get the area and the “thing”:

{% for open_sensor in state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarmo','open_sensors').keys() | list %} 
       {% set area_name = area_name(open_sensor) %}
       {% set short_name = state_attr(open_sensor,'friendly_name').split('-')[:-1][0] %} 
       {{ area_name ~ ' - ' ~ short_name }} 
{% endfor %} 

I tried that using the event “Alarm is triggered” for the Event in Alarmo Notifications tab.

But I can not get this working when “Entry Delay” is set to “none” - state_attr(‘alarm_control_panel.alarmo’,‘open_sensors’) returns None. I am new to HA, and I wasn’t able to to use “open_sensor” wildcard for similar behavior.
So, besides renaming everything, or change the entry delay, how could I customize the message?

Kind Regards

Can you set different times on different door sensors, one I want to sound the alarm after 10 s, another that we used often, I would prefer 90 s so the children have time to sound the alarm :slight_smile: