Custom Component: Dreame Vacuum

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Integration should be working perfectly with the Z10 Pro.
Is it possible you to open an issue about this so i can get more information to reproduce and fix the problem?

@tasshack ok after config next problem :wink:

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
First occurred: 11:44:43 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:44:43

Config entry ‘Robbi’ for dreame_vacuum integration not ready yet: the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not int; Retrying in background

Dieser Fehler wurde von einer benutzerdefinierten Integration verursacht

Logger: custom_components.dreame_vacuum
Source: custom_components/dreame_vacuum/
Integration: Dreame Vacuum (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:44:43 (8 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:50:06

Update failed: the JSON object must be str, bytes or bytearray, not int

I think S10 and L10s models are not using the same RN plugin with the other supported devices on the list. I noticed that L10s allows you to select sweeping as cleaning mode even mop pad is attached but this is not possible with the L10 / Z10 / W10 models.

I have opened an issue about this on the repository for collecting more information about the problem so that i can fix it quickly.
I have also released a new version that will print out more useful information about the error.

Thank you for your help and sorry for the inconvenience.

I also have the L10s Ultra. Good to know it wouldn’t work as of now.
I say wouldn’t because it looks like it doesn’t work with the Dreame cloud? Is this something soon to be fixed?

I don’t think this integration will ever be work with the Dreame Cloud because similar devices with their own branded apps also use the Mi Cloud for HA integrations like Roborock and Yeelight.
I am not sure that you can just replace the cloud url with Dreame one and connect as a 3rd party application.

Edit: I have checked the dreamehome app and turns out it uses Alibaba Cloud that requires a private key to access it because of that 3rd party login is not possible.

Edit: Dreamehome Account has been added to the beta for testing.


I have the same issue. The Miot Auto integration is working. But with this integration I got “Failed to connect”. I will open an issue

edit: solved by placing the device either in the same network subnet as home assistant, and later I found a solution by masquerading ( Some devices not responding across subnets. · Issue #422 · rytilahti/python-miio (

Everything works right now except for the sensor status of the filter etc. Any idea?

Consumable properties are available in vacuum attributes because of that entities are disabled by default, you need to enable it from entity settings.

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I get this when trying to login to my Mi Account: image
Do you know how to get through the 2FA?

I actually found the solution in a different thread. This hopefully helps others too:
Deleting the Mi Account entirely, signing out from the Mi Home App, then creating a new account did the job for me. I could connect my Dreame Vacuum in HA after I’ve added the device to my new account (same e-mail and username as before) in the Mi Home App.
In that other thread, someone suggested not giving your phone number to your account because then it could assume you have 2FA activated, so I didn’t.

dreame.vacuum.p2009 (D9) is added to the supported devices list.

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Awesome thanks will give it a try today!!

Working beautifully! Thanks so much for all your work. Is there a donation page to show our appreciation?

Thanks for the support.

But me a coffee PayPal.Me

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the integrations works great so far :+1:
only thing i don’t unterstand is how to use it with automations and room specific cleaning.

Action:vacuum_clean_segment shows “targets” and “segments”. but neither works. no matter if use the room-numbers or the room-names :confused:
any ideas? :slight_smile:

Clean room 3

service: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_clean_segment
  segments: 3
  entity_id: vacuum.vacuum

Services documentation

oh boy… i did not found that complete documentation…

thank you

If this support the new one X10?

hm… seems dreame is trying to push their own app with their own cloud? although the apps looks almost identical; i got an firmware update with the dreame app, while i didn’t with the xiaomi app.

but the actual problem is, the integration did not longer work, after connected to the dreame cloud. so i went back to xiaomi app. question is, how long is the xiaomi app supported?

any chance to get this integration work with dreame cloud & app ?

X10 is basically same device with the dreame.vacuum.p2114a (Mijia X10+) but i couldn’t find the actual model number for it. If you provide the model of your device i can add it to the supported devices list and it should work without a problem.