Custom Component: Dreame Vacuum

It’s not the integrations fault, that’s the clouds bug that does not you login even it says authenticated.
You can observe same behaviour on the other integrations that are using Mi Cloud like the Miot Auto.

Hello, just trying to log to the cloud without success so far. Correct server is selected as per documentation. Interface reports: check credentials. I’m currently using Dreame home app for X40

I changed my Xiaomi password and now the integration can’t connect to the vacuum. How do I update the credentials the integration is using? Tx

@kolia , @DavidTinker - have you tried the beta version? I also have a X40 and connected through my Cloud account with success. It works like a charme :smiley:

It was working fine and some things are still working (can see the state of the vacuum) but other things (e.g. the map) are not working since I changed my Xiaomi password. I can’t figure out where to enter my new password.

I have an issue with the map feature, which just can’t be displayed.

This is the log error:

Source: custom_components/dreame_vacuum/dreame/
Integration: Dreame Vacuum (תיעוד, בעיות)

Map render Failed: Traceback (most recent call last): File “/config/custom_components/dreame_vacuum/dreame/”, line 6040, in render_map image = self.render_objects(cached_layers, map_data, robot_status, station_status, image, object_scale) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File “/config/custom_components/dreame_vacuum/dreame/”, line 6588, in render_objects cached_layers[MapRendererLayer.SEGMENT][k] = self.render_segment( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File “/config/custom_components/dreame_vacuum/dreame/”, line 7681, in render_segment self.color_scheme.segment[segment.color_index][1] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not NoneType

Can someone assist?
I have the latest beta version, and latest HA build installed

Thanks for the input. 2.0.0b16 installed. Indeed it is connected now. Discovering it now!

Repeat the same steps as adding a new device. Integration will complain about device is already configured but it should update the credentials. Or you could just remove and add the same device again without loosing any data.

Tx. I removed and re-added. Worked fine.

Are you planning to make this integration native to Home Assistant? :grin:
When do you plan to move the beta version to release as well? :grin:

have you managed to get it working with the Mova M1? Im looking to buy an ultra-thin robovac, and the M1 seems like a good choice but I do need it to work with HA.

Those TOF laser vacuums are piece of crap with the result of lazy engineering and zero production testing!
I wouldn’t recommend buying the cheap stuff from Dreame but there is the issue that you can follow.

Also newer Second Gen vacuums have exactly the same issue because Dreame decided to ship them with the latest version of the firmware they have developed and without testing anything. As a result those devices are too full of bugs and not performing correctly until Dreame realizes and fixes it.

I flashed it with Valetudo. I don’t need to bother with the Dreame servers anymore :smiley:

You have basically lost the ability control two thirds of the settings/features that your device have. You could have just bought an L10s for much cheaper because you no longer have the advanced features of a X40 by installing Valetudo.
Customized room cleaning, customized carpet cleaning and a bunch of detailed mopping/washing settings are lost to you forever and that is not something that you should proud of and recommend to the others.

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I have no idea what you’re talking about - literally ALL of those settings are still available to me inside Valetudo.

The only “feature” I’ve lost is the ability to remotely access the bot’s camera (something that I genuinely never cared about using to begin with).

It’s been a HUGE quality of life improvement for me - not only do I have complete local control of the bot without needing Dreame’s cloud servers, but I can also control everything with my desktop. I never need to use an app which is absolutely HUGE for me. I hate having to rely on 28562 apps for every tiny thing.

I’ve just started playing both: with the integration [latest beta, because of the vacuum model] and the vacuum [just upgraded from Xiaomi Mijia MiRobot Gen1 to Dreame x40 Ultra] and I’ve got kinda silly question :wink:

how to refresh room entities?

I mean - I prefer my bathroom door closed, so during quite a few cleanups, vacuum was mapping everything but the bathroom. in the meantime I played a bit with the integration, so it downloaded all the entities for known rooms etc.
then, I made a “total cleanup run”, with bathroom door opened - vacuum correctly identified this as an additional room, even named it correctly - as bathroom; but I can’t get it into the integration. tried resetting HA, host, tried reloading integration, turning it off and on again; I made sure that adding of new entities is checked on in the system settings of the integration - all with no luck. is there any way to achieve the refresh, or I need to uninstall the integration and start from scratch?

seeing how often my new dreame is “calling home”, I am thinking about valetudo [I’ve rooted my last vacuum and it was great, so naturally I’m considering it now] - did you noticed ANY problems after rooting? the camera is not remotely accessed but can be used locally or it is disabled for good?

And you loose multi levels support as well as auto empty kit and ramp management. I would have love to install Valetudo but for those reasons I gave it up.

Was anyone able to create scripts to add on the HA UI to vacuum or vacuum + mop some rooms only? Would love to see an example. All the scripts I do give me these kinds of errors (might be doing it wrong though, it’s my first time with scripts!)