[Custom Component] DuckDNS IPV4 and IPV6 updater

DuckDNS IPV4 and IPV6 updater

This is a custom component that can update both IPV4 and IPV6 entries of a Duck DNS subdomain, I developed this because the already integrated Duck DNS Component component is only able to update the IPV4 address over Duck DNS “autodetect mode” and I couldn’t manage to get IPV6 working on the HassIO Addon. The code is pretty much a combination of the built-in Duck DNS Component and DNS IP with some extra features.

This is has been running on my setup for weeks now, without issues, but keep in mind that it is still in beta. Also, make sure to completly read the documentation to properly setup this component.

All the installation instructions can be found in the README.md file on the Github Repository.

Any feedback, ideas, or comments are appreciated.

Github Repository


I had the same problem of IPv6 address not getting updated by duckdns. Was looking for a solution and happened to see your custom component and immediately installed it. BTW how do I know that the IPv6 address has been updated by the component. Does it log it? My IP hasn’t changed since I installed the component and I display the same on my Dash board. Thanks for the very useful component.

Should I still keep the HA addon running along with yours? I have both configured and my ipv6 got updated in duckdns. Wouldn’t know which one updated it.

Yes, it does log the actions, you must change the log level of the component to INFO on your configuration.yaml.

Technically, you don’t need HA addon anymore, but there should be no harm in running them both simultaneously, it is up to you.

Thanks a lot , it solved a lot of my problems . Your addon have the part where I can only update the IPv6 part and ignore the IPv4 . I was using another script to update the IPv6 to Duckdns but it also update IPv4 which caused a lot of problems for me .

Can I combine this custom HACS addon with lets-encrypt in any way?

I have the same problem, that the ipv6 does not get updated and tried to install your add-on but I get

thank you!

Have installed the add-on the manual way but it updated the wrong ipv6
The ipvs from my FritzBox is

But the ipv6 that duckdns gets is
