Having issues connecting to HA from the Internet

I’m currently facing an issue concerning IPv6 connectivity and HomeAssistant.
I use an Nginx Proxy Manager addon to allow local access to my HA.
And I have a fiber modem in front of my fritz box router without a public IPv4 adress.
I managed to connect HA to my duckdns domain via the addon DuckDNS ipv6 and ipv4 updater ([Custom Component] DuckDNS IPV4 and IPV6 updater)
This works pretty well. However, I’m not able to

  • update my letsencrypt certificate via nginx proxy manager (challenge fails, probably because I have to use CGNAT and don’t have a public ipv4 adress)
  • access via a custom alexa skill created for HA (Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill - Home Assistant) doesn’t work (probably also because of no IPv4 support of the Lamdba)

I’m very new to the IPv6 topic, any help would be really appreciated!

You need a dynamic DNS service that support AAAA records (IPv6) and then you need to hope Let’s Encrypt support it too.
I am less worried about Let’s Encrypt than finding a IPv6 dynamic DNS service.
Once that works, then your certificate should be possible to create and that is needed for Amazon/Alexa connections.

Currently my certificate is working. However I’m not getting AWS connecting to my domain, as it tries the IPv4 way

Your dyndns seems to be setting up an A record then.
You need an AAAA record and only that one.

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