Custom component goecharger_mqtt - go-eCharger HOMEfix EV charger integration

I also get nothing in Home Assustant using the current version. I even tried an older one - does not work either. I am using the newest goEcharger (Gemini flex) which should be the same as the Home+. I do get Mqtt sensor values in MqttExplorer when i connect to my broker, but Home Assistant gets nothing. I use EQMX as MQTT broker, and it shows that the Charger is connected, but in the integration nothing is available.

Also, it is possible to enter a random serial number and still get the integration added.

One thing is odd: In MQTT Explorer, there is no prefix shown, and if i try to set one in the GoOecharger app, i no longer receive data.

Did you add the mqtt integration to your HA instance first? Could you check at the mqtt integration (pub/sub features) the HA instance is able to send and receive MQTT messages in general? And please make sure you are using the latest release 0.14.2 of the custom component.

Wait. :wink: Did I understand the screenshot correctly: All topics aren’t prefixed by /go-eCharger/SERIAL/var? Please talk to the customer support. The custom component expects one of these prefixes:

  • /go-eCharger/SERIAL/var
  • go-eCharger/SERIAL/var

If you choose another prefix at the config flow the first part of the topic will be replaced. The structure stays unchanged:

  • /alternative/prefix/SERIAL/var

I am also struggling with the integration.

Finally I managed that the MQTT messages are going into the Mosquitto topic - but the wallbox data is still not shown in the UI. (see screenshot)

Tried everything. Reload. Reinstall. Reboot.
But to no avail.

Firmware 054.7
Hardware V4 (Gemini)

Here is what i did to get it working:

  1. Changed my MQTT broker from EQMX to mosquitto
  2. Added /go-eCharger/200466/ as prefix in the Go-e app
  3. Disabled API v1 which i had runnig before to use the API V1 integration as an interim solution
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Thank you so much!!

Before I had go-eCharger/xxxxxxx/
Adding a leading slash /go-eCharger/xxxxxxx/ to the prefix in the app solved it!

Though the @syssi wrote, that both should work. Maybe a bug?

API v1 and v2 run side-by-side nicely. At least for me.

Thanks for your feedback. I will double-check the behavior of the component in regards of the (missing) leading slash.


one more thing:

it looks like your integration treats the sensors Current L1 .. L3 as integers und cuts away the decimal part. I realized when I compared to the “other” integration based on Rest V1.

As far as I can tell, the mqtt messages do contain the correct values including 3 decimal digits, though.


Hope that helps!

Are you sure? Could you provide an example response of the nrg topic? Thanks in advance!

I am currently filing an issue in your repo.

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Current sensors should be float · Issue #58 · syssi/homeassistant-goecharger-mqtt (

Next issue: :wink:

I wanted to set the max current. But whatever value I tried for the charger_name, it never worked.
Than I did an educated guess and changed the property name to serial_number and guess what? It worked!

Could you create an issue at the GitHub project again? Thanks in advance!

I just realized the mentioned service (goecharger.set_max_current) isn’t part of the goecharger_mqtt custom component. This custom component / implementation should be improved: homeassistant-goecharger/services.yaml at 15733ea594f0460b2f8c325b8e9320495749bf5d · cathiele/homeassistant-goecharger · GitHub

So my “hack” with the serial_number worked just because this was ignored and the max_current was applied to all chargers (which is only this single one in my case)?

Shall I create a GitHub issue anyway?

Q: Maybe I missed it, but…
how do I start and stop the charger using this integration?

You can find some important details here: Add simple start/stop charging switch · Issue #28 · syssi/homeassistant-goecharger-mqtt · GitHub

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Hi, I am trying to download the HACS integration, but version 0.14.3 and the previous one only time out :-/
what can I try? Another problem is, that I do not get any MQTT messages in MQTT explorer from my go-e, all though my MQTT server is running fine. I did active the MQTT API in the APP, and was mindful of the correct URL formatting. MQTT read only is set to off.

thank for help

I got it to work, HACS never downloaded the integration but added the repository for HA to install the integration. What I think is strange is, that HACS says it downloads it, but it never says it finished the download, to it looks like it is endlessly downloading it.
The other problem was a syntax error. I added “/” before and after the Prefix name on the phone app, and that fixed it for me.

Now that it is all working, has anyone made some blueprint automation or Node Red automation to share? Something like this: has the house NET power due to solar power? Is the car connected? Is the car’s state of charge below 90%? Match amps to NET power and turn on the charge.
