Custom Component: HACS

@Cinamon && @Corey_Maxim Check the logs, and use the dedicated issue on github for issues with that beta.

I needed one HA restart more to show up.

My fault, i was on HA 0.96 instead of 0.97 beta, after upgrade to 0.97 beta it works!

next version (now in beta) you can reset it from the store. It also looks like they renamed the file in v13 as well.

You can just delete those.

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I’m having problems installing HACS.

What I have done (I’m on 95.6):

  • Followed instructions by the letter (I also have several customer components already)
  • Removed any old ‘customer updater’ stuff from file system & configuration.yaml (left the stuff in Lovelace).
  • Used ‘latest’ link (0.12.1) for HACS files
  • I have created Github API key succesfully and have tried restarting several times with and without the entry below
  token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • HASS starts but I get notification that HACS could not be set up with below in logs
2019-08-07 23:13:28 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Error during setup of component hacs
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/", line 153, in _async_setup_component
    hass, processed_config)
  File "/config/custom_components/hacs/", line 61, in async_setup
    from .aiogithub.exceptions import AIOGitHubAuthentication, AIOGitHubException, AIOGitHubRatelimit
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'custom_components.hacs.aiogithub.exceptions'

Best log an issue on github has described in first post


If When you experience issues/bugs with this the best way to report them is to open an issue in the repository , GitHub is AWESOME for tracking/searching issues.
So again, since this is kinda important, If when you experience issues/bugs with this, post them to GitHub, not here.

Issues posted in a forum thread is really, really, really hard to track/follow :slight_smile:
The same goes for feature requests.

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I think so, I may remove the old Alexa media player component fist then install the latest one after with HACS

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Sure. Done. Posted here.

Am I correct that HACS 0.12.1 is not running on HA 17.0 ?? I Did a fresh git install
Keep getting :

Sat Aug 10 2019 11:18:23 GMT+0200 (CEST)

Setup failed for hacs: Integration not found.
all is done according to instructions …

Yes, HACS 0.12.x require HA 0.93+

HACS 0.13.0 will require HA 0.97+

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OK did an update to 0.13.0b1 But still the same error :frowning:
Sat Aug 10 2019 12:34:02 GMT+0200 (CEST)

Setup failed for hacs: Integration not found.

No more info found in logs :frowning:

You are missing files. (or not restarting)

did a new git install from :
added key to hacs:
token: ****
and restarted

Any way to get an attribute of what needs updated and a way to force an update without open the hacs plugin?

If there is another some other way let me know.

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Can’t wait, as I have a separate home assistant tab for updates and hacs.

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Unless there are reported any more issues with the beta it will probably be released tomorrow(UTC).


You know one of the great things about hacs (besides the obvious convenience) is that I discover new custom integrations and lovelace cards just by cruising by the UI every now and then and looking for the new tag. Great stuff.


Same. But as its so easy now its finding the time to implement them all.
HACS is a game changer for HA in making it easy for new users to implement stuff.
Again @ludeeus hats off for creating HACS


Version 0.13.0 has been released