Custom Component: HACS

@Bieniu I have no clue :man_shrugging: but if you can wait a couple of days I can test it.

@CountParadox Fill out the issue template @ github (including debug logs)


If you want we could test it on my script :wink:

It will replace and reset the existing object, so if the user have it installed it will show as uninstalled.

I can probably add a check for that in the next version, but that does not help current versions :frowning:

Thanks for info. This script isn’t very popular, maybe no one has installed it via HACS. I will add information in the documentation that such a problem may occur with the current version of HACS and change the name in the evening.

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Hi, just installed HACS, removed custom_updater as instructed.
I’m stuck on “Background task running, refresh the page in a little while” like forever…
Any Thoughts?

Did you open an issue?

I have the same problem. All custom components have disappeared from the settings page.

The custom components have reappeared for me (Theyre just not all working… but i think it might be something my side)

The ones that disappeared for me were custom cards that have had their repository added to HACS. So I just had to add them again from the built in repository.

Well that’s a bug - I have not had that happen with Thomas Loven’s repos that moved… That is really weird.

The HACS Sensor go’s above 0, an automation sends me a notification, and when i look at the overview, there is no update.
Anyone else with this problem?
I added the for option to my trigger to prevent this.


I have this issue also, I disabled my update available notification for this reason.


Good idea. After a bunch of these phantom notifications in the last 2 days I added a for: as well… Set it to 5 minutes. I wonder if I should make it longer?

My ‘ghosts’ take always 6 minutes. :ghost:
EDIT: The last 17 minutes. :mage:

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Hi, I have a problem with adding a repo manually to HACS. I managed to add all other repos except for a single one:

It will say not a valid js file found. I guess it is because the plugin needs 3 files to operate. Now the question is, since I can not use custom updater with HACS, how will I be able to add this anyways?

By manually installing following the developers instructions

Ah ok, so this will work regardless if I have custom updater?

If you are talking about that card, yes the instructions do not use it.
If you are talking about HACS, then no.

Ok that is pretty clear, thanks, going to try it out when I get home. The developer has announced he’ll make it HACS compatible, so if I can’t get it to work np, it will come out soon.

Thnx though.

Hi, is it possible, when we update a custom component with HACS, to tell him not to update a specific file.
On my custom component there is s specific file named devices.json which will be populated with data during installation of that component. On update I don’t want to overwrite it and lost my data. Can we add something in manifest.json to ignore specific file on update ?

"update_ignore": "devices.json"

That kind of info should IMO be in .storage