Custom Component: HACS

All HACS does is scrap the data off git hub so if the user who created the thing does not read the manal of HACS them HACS can only do what it knows

Cool project! Great documentation, super easy to follow.

I would like to add a feature request to allow automatic update checks to be disabled. It would be nice to be able to do that manually.

Feature requests on github (I posted one recently, ludeeus responded promptly)

Is there a way to have HACS re-scan for installed plugins? I had to nuke the hacs.* files from .stroage due to a “Restore Failed” error :frowning:

Dang thanks.

Hi all. Updated to 0.98.1 and HACS no longer recognizes the Alexa Media custom component that I installed using HACS. Any idea why that might be?

In my logs, I did see a reference to HACS did not save data from keatontaylor… Etc.

Alexa Media appears to still be installed and working. HACS just doesn’t see it or track it.

I’ve had the same problem.

Before I updated to HA 0.98.1, I had v2.0.0 installed.
After the update of HA the alexa component was not listing as installed in HACS.

After that I just installed alexa again with HACS and eveything is working without a problem.

Thanks, Dennis. I’ll give that a try. Did installing again double up all the files in your custom components directory? Just curious.

Ok i’m going crazy. I cant get AppDaemon apps to appear in HACS. I only get plugins and integrations. I am running and have appdaemon installed as hassio addon.

Hacs has been installed and working fine via the installation manual. In configuration.yaml i have the hacs token. What am i doing wrong?

Latest version of HACS doesn’t use anything in yaml… set it up as per the instructions as an integration

Oops. My bad. Thanks @ludeeus for correction.

That is not correct.
Both YAML and UI configuration is supported.

Thanks, i found the config options for yaml on the setup site. I have appdaemon etc now.

Btw i could not find anything on the setupsite about the integration setup. And is it needed to convert my setup to the integration setup? As i dont really feel like settingup HACS from the start again.

No, as of now there are currently no plans to drop support for yaml configuration


No, the files were only updated to the lastet version and nothing was doubled.

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hello @ludeeus how do I upgrade HACS? I tried to do it on my HA and get a circle spinning but then nothing happens?


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Please reconsider your stance on this. If nothing else, provide us a way to track and re-download HACS installed components and plugins. At least then HACS would have some resiliency in the event of a catastrophic issue.

I lost a great deal of work and time when HACS died on me for seemingly no reason and I was forced to start from scratch. It was simply easier and less time consuming to reinstall Custom Updater than it would have been to reconfigure 20+ components and plugins via HACS.

To be clear, I don’t mean my feedback to be negative or overtly critical. I do think HACS is a useful tool with lots of potential. But when HACS died on me, it died hard and left me with no choice but to rebuild.

Just to be clear…

Do you realize that you don’t need to reconfigure anything in your configuration (lovelace or configuration.yaml) when HACS has a hiccup?

All you need to do at that point is just go through the HACS store list and click on the “install” button for each plugin/integration that you already had downloaded and when you’re done then restart HA. Granted it does take a bit of time but it’s not too onerous.

And even if you didn’t want to restart HA right then all of the custom stuff should still work since all of the files are already there (clicking install doesn’t do anything except register the component in the HACS system) and should still be recognized by HA. It’s just that HACS doesn’t know what stuff is installed until you tell it that they are when you click on “install”.

You can use your lovelace “resources:” section to track which plugins you have installed and I personally segregate my custom_components configuration code into a single package to keep track of what is included by default and what is custom. That way if you need to reinstall HACS then you just look in those sections and “install” those components. easy-peasy. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I encountered this bug and implemented the fix per the author’s suggestion. The end result was as I described above. So yea, I had to start over from scratch and really didn’t feel like doing so less than 24 hours after I made the initial switch from Custom Updater to HACS.

@finity is correct. All the files are still there and after deleting hacs files from .storage all you need do is restart HA after you add the integrations and plugins.