Custom Component: HACS

Anywhere from 7 to 90 min the first time

Great thanks, it’s been going for around 30 mins so far, I’ll leave it for another hour before I starting tinkering. :slight_smile:

Hi all,
I just updated HACS to 0.13.2, and I still have no Community tab appearing. It just disappeared a week ago, making an error, now as of 0.13.2 I have these in the dev log:

2019-08-22 09:23:00 INFO (MainThread) [hacs.repository.integration.custom-components.hacs] Registration complete
2019-08-22 09:23:00 CRITICAL (MainThread) [] [Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)] Restore Failed!
2019-08-22 09:23:00 INFO (MainThread) [hacs] Could not setup HACS, trying again in 15 min
2019-08-22 09:23:00 INFO (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of domain hacs took 5.2 seconds.

I run on HA 0.97.2 on Ubuntu 18.04.3 TLS with Hassio Supervisor version 181.

Does anyone know what Im doing wrong?


Hi @ludeeus
I updated one of my components today (GIOS) and I currently have this error in HACS for this component.

No errors in log. I use HA 0.97.2 and HACS 0.13.2.
Any solution for that?

Strange. With HA 0.98.0b0 there is no error. Maybe this is related with required HA 0.98 for this new version of component?

It is, open an issue for it.

Is the HACS sensor suppose to show what needs updated?hacs

And is there a easy way to tell hacs to update everything that needs it?

Yes, click “upgrade all” in the settings tab.

I use list-card to do this

  - columns:
    - {field: name, title: 'Name'}
    - {field: installed version, title: 'Installed'}
    - {field: available version, title: 'Latest'}
    entity: sensor.hacs
    title: HA Community Store
    feed_attribute: repositories
    type: custom:list-card

Does that work when there are no updates, of does it fail at that point?

the card disappears from the view

That’s kinda nice!

Thank you @bacco007, this is just what I wanted. hacs%20pending%20updates

Now to add a button to lovelace that says update all.

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The button is there in hacs.

I know it is in HACS but I want to have one in the lovelace ui with the sensors I posted above.

If you hover over the upgrade all button you can see a url that should do what you want, commandline or rest sensor perhaps. Mine says


I’m installing a custom component, sinope-GT125, via HACS in and the specified requirements are not installed. I need from pipy version 0.0.5
But HA say it is not found on reboot

Any idea ?

Forgive the silly question. I looked through the github repo and the installation website but couldn’t find this particular piece of information.

If I want to enable Debug logging for HACS, what is the proper component to enable via Logger? I’ve already tried hacs.repository.integration.custom-components.hacs,, and hacs but none have helped. I’m specifically trying to figure out what is causing the error below.

2019-08-26 12:38:26 INFO (MainThread) [hacs.repository.integration.custom-components.hacs] Registration complete
2019-08-26 12:38:26 INFO (MainThread) [] Restore started
2019-08-26 12:38:26 CRITICAL (MainThread) [] ['NoneType' object is not subscriptable] Restore Failed!
2019-08-26 12:38:26 INFO (MainThread) [hacs] Could not setup HACS, trying again in 15 min

Issues go on githib.

If this is directed at me, my question is about core functionality of the integration (i.e. debug logging), not reporting an issue. The inclusion of my error was merely to provide context. There’s no point in opening an issue unless I actually have something tangible to report. Right now, all I have is, “It doesn’t work” which is completely useless to everyone.

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  default: info
    hacs: debug

And this is your issue