Custom Component: HACS

0.17.0 is now released

please read the release notes before upgrading.


upgraded from 16.3 and restarted but the following have red icons and refuse to reinstall, even after restarting again:

BOM forecast
BWAlarm (ak47 edition)

Had that with the mini-media-player and realized that the resource in lovelace was not the same as in the plugin.

Have the same with BWAlarm and others. I was on 16.3 too.

As an FYI, I’m on 0.16.3 (not using experimental), in my attempt to upgrade to 0.17.0
I got an error on the UI about an internal server problem and a log entry about jinja2 template repository.html not found. I retried a few times with the same result.
But after a reboot, everything seemed to work anyway and it shows I’m running 0.17.0 and I have the new UI.

That is expected.
From the release notes:

This version removes the old UI, this means that when the update is done the frontend of HACS will be broken until you restart Home Assistant.

Same here for below are showing red
They are all working fine

I had the Lovelace-card-templater plugin go red on me out of the blue too.

Had to adjust the resources section to point to the right location again.

It would be nice to somehow have a warning about these changes.

That was done in 0.13.0 Release 0.13.0 · hacs/integration · GitHub

Potential BREAKING CHANGE For plugins
Earlier HACS striped parts of the filename like -bundle and lovelace- , this is no longer done, if you update a plugin that has that after this version of HACS, you need to change the url in your Lovelace configuration, the example on the plugin page inside HACS, will be correct.

With this version you are now beeing warned by HACS about it.

None of my installed Integrations are being identified as loaded. I have uninstalled several of these rebooted then reinstalled and rebooted… No Joy ,

Additionally its taking up to ten minutes or more identify plug-ins as loaded…

Some “bad designed” integrations (with just a blank init file) was not recognized, .1 fixes that.

@ludeeus, I’m running .1, it actually got worse…

File a bug then, I don’t see it.

Is it just me, or the new UI does not show in iOS (beta and regular app + safari)?
It shows on my Windows PC, and every plugin/integration seems to be working, but I just get an empty blank page when selecting HACS from the side menu.

Installed on a RPi4 Hassio.

Where does that warning by HACS show up?


And here:

Hmmm…I don’t remember seeing either of those for the card-templater.

The icon was green and the “installation” page for that component is very basic and I didn’t see that pop-up card on that page anywhere.

I even went there and re-installed it a couple of times and never saw it.


Wait, what version are you talking about here:

I just updated to the latest version of HACS just a few minutes ago after I fixed the card-templater resources section.

Could that be why I didn’t see those warnings?

Yes, that was added in 0.17.
The “Add to lovelace” button will only show if you have experimental features active, without that you still see the note

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I’m on HACS 16.1 and read that I need to be on 16.2 or higher to upgrade to the latest version. After reading back through this post I don’t see how I would upgrade to something other than the latest version. If I click update in the HACS page will it install 16.2 first, then click update again for 17.1 or do I need to do something else. Generally I try to stay on the last stable release but saw lots of folks having issues recently so I postponed my updates. Not sure how to proceed now. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
Art, aka kartcon

Lovelace-Gen performs cache clearing if “!file” is inserted between “url:” and the file path in the resources list. Not surprisingly, HACS then reports “This plugin is not added to your Lovelace resources.” Not worth a problem report.