Custom Component: HACS

… of course I have done that. Made it to the bottom of

have the token entered in the configuration.yaml, and the CC installed in the CC folder.
Next would be?

A restart

ok thanks, As I hoped, but didn’t know for sure… don’t want to brake things.

maybe add that in a final line at the bottom of the configuration page so people can be 100% sure they’re doing the right thing :wink:


There is an “Edit on GitHub” button on every page :wink:

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sure, And I would be glad to write something like:

after creating the new token and adding that to your configuration.yaml, all you need is a restart to have HACS startup and read your config for the first time.

Its just that my config checker wont let me restart now, because it doesn’t see the token I stored in the secrets.yaml file, loaded in configuration.yaml by

  token: !secret hacs_token

so I am not sure what I wrote above is true … <— look there.

yep, main routine, do that always. config check is the bottle neck.


let me struggle and get back if needed. thanks for the support.

From that error message your config contains “appdaemon” as being configured under the “hacs:” component.

try looking for an indentation error?

appdaemon: is valid under hacs: :wink:

That error say that the config looks like this:

    appdaemon: bool

Potentially wrong use of an !include there :man_shrugging:

don’t think so, followed this:

maybe need the first restart first, as @ludeeus said.

but it doesn’t:

 token: !secret hacs_token
#  appdeamon: true
#  python_script: true
#  theme: true

commented all out except the token for now. Its up and running, scanning in the background :wink: hope all goes well and Hacs finds what it should find.

Sorry about that. I didn’t realize appdaemon was in there too.

nevermind :slightly_smiling_face: :smile:


You have a typo: appdeamon. Should be appdaemon


told you I was going blind… thanks!

have quite a few cards setup in the meanwhile, HACS made me wonder if card-mod was the same as card-modder, config-template-card the same as lovelace-card-templater, and lovelace-markdown-mod the same as useful-markdown-card…

a bit confusing this is for me yet, maybe the cards found by HACS are newer than my cards… will have to investigate further.

now for these cards HACS couldn’t find a entry:

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/card-tools.js?v=6ce5d2
  type: js

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/tiles-card.js?v=0.2
  type: js
#- url: /local/lovelace/resources/tiles-card-legacy.js?v=0.2
#  type: js

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/useful-markdown-card.js?v=dfc268
  type: js

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/dark-sky-weather-card.js?v=7.1.5
  type: module

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/weather-card-chart.js?v=0.2
  type: module

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/card-modder.js?v=fadc02
  type: js

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/layout-card.js?v=bd7e5a
  type: js

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/power-wheel-card.js?v=0.0.9
  type: module

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/waze-card.js?v=1.2.0
  type: js

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/simple-weather-card.bundle.js?v=0.1.0
  type: module

- url: /local/lovelace/resources/lovelace-card-templater.js?v=0.0.1
  type: js

should I enter these manually, or wait until HACS has settings for these cards.

Most likely different plugins, but I don’t use lovelace so don’t trust me here…

You have 3 options:

  • If they are supported add them as custom repositories.
  • If they are not supported ask the developer kindly to add support.
  • keep using /local (HACS does not change how lovelace works)

thanks, that worked. Past tense…

Had most of my plugins set up via the custom repositories, 3 or 4 left unsupported, so leave them using /local.

went rather well, so I installed HACS on my main setup…
Install went fine, Community appearing in the left side bar.

So far the succes.
Unfortunatly, nothing is happening a all, the progress bar keeps moving, nothing appears though, on none of the 3 menu items.
Ive restarted twice, and even rebooted the host.

Suddenly it dawned on me I used the same token as in the other install… Might have been stupid (thought the new install is comparing setup with the other install or something) so created a second token, restarted, rebooted even again.

Still no luck, nothing is showing.
To top that, most of the plugins on the other install are gone… Only the ones I entered via the custom repositories are displayed… And the store is almost empty

Lovelace loads fine though, and apparently the plugins are in fact loaded.

don’t know if this is a bug, a wrong user action (probably) or any other fluke.
Just posting here to ask if anyone recognize this, and knows what to do.

reinstalled first system now, second system still shows nothing in any of the tabs…

give it a little while, it needs to set things up.

sure, did that, few hours. But it remained empty, and the other setup was there wishing lets say 15 minutes.

just like to here from the author if it is to be expected with the described workflow (iow a user error), or if this could be a bug…

Fill out the issue template @ github and I can tell you that :wink:

Version 0.10.0 has been released