Custom Component: Hubitat

No I don’t believe so

I’ve been noticing major network issues lately.
I just have a Fios quantum gateway.
I really didn’t want to buy UniFi stuff until I moved…
I also don’t want to do a factory reset on my Fios hardware, I wonder if I can export the config to save the stuff I want and purge the stuff that makes routers slow…
Last factory reset I did really sped everything up but it was a pain in the butt to get it all back.

I had constant network issues till I upped my gear and got a UDMP. I had 3 eero pros, went to a Netgear RAX80 and even tried a combo of both. Performance would slowly degrade and wifi drops. Since Unifi… all good. It was a significant investment and the UI didnt live up to some of the promises but still worth every penny to me.


I have 2 Plume SuperPods in my house, one SuperPod in an outbuilding, and a regular Plume Pod in the garage. That setup has been very solid. There aren’t as many knobs to turn as you’d get with Unifi, but…it just works. :smiley:


Yea I’ve been having WiFi and LAN slowness.
I’ve heard UniFi is very nice but also heard the UI is a bit of a let down.
This weekend I’ll nuke my Fios router and anger the fam.

It is and it is. I’m going to be testing TP-Link Omada this weekend to see if I can replace my Unifi setup with it.

oooooh spicy,
I think I’ll wait till I move to decide lol.

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Just as a aside, the TP-Link equipment is WAY cheaper than the Unifi stuff. @stephack and I have been talking about the pros/cons of it and the one thing that keeps coming up is the blatent clone of the Unifi UI that TP-Link stole. I mean, like just a 100% blatent rip. Pretty funny actually.


And way uglier from my perspective. No way my wife allow that super-sized dinner plate AP mounted in my home. :astonished: :rofl:

The word “shameless” comes to mind. Now if the UI actually provides accurate info, then they are ahead of the game already.


Hi there, super new to HASS (2 days). Was able to get HACS set up and looking to import my Hubitat devices but am getting a config flow unexpected exception error when making the Maker API connection. Everything seems ok on the Hubitat end (although it’s my first time using Maker API), and my HASS logs really only show the config flow issue. The latest version is installed (v0.6.6). I saw above there was some instructions Jason put in with removing the hubitat integration from HACS, then the repository, the re-adding it and reinstalling hubitat in HACS, but I couldn’t find good instructions on removing the repository from HACS. Hoping someone can point me in the general direction, and if that is even the issue since it was 0.2.6 versions ago. Thanks in advance!

Do the HA logs show a specific error, maybe a stack trace?

Hi, thanks for getting back! Here is the traceback.

Hmmm… Well there are two issues there. One is that the connection config (the hub address, Maker API ID, and/or Maker API key) appears to be incorrect. The error is happening when the integration tries to query the hub for its list of devices using that connection information, and is unable to.

The other issue is that the integration code should be handling that much more gracefully.

Hmmm…it looks like that error is being caught and handled properly (at least in the code), and the error is just being logged. Any chance you could copy-and-paste the entire error stack trace? (It looks like it goes on a bit longer.)

That was all the log had from what I could read. And unfortunately I tried a duckdns guide last night and it made my instance inaccessible so I think I’m going to start over. I recovered a snapshot from the CLI but still not able to access the instance. It’s discouraging that I keep failing to get this going, I considered myself semi-literate haha.

For maker API, not sure why it wouldn’t be working, it only needs hub IP, app Id and token, which I copy from those example links hubitat provides. I’ll be back in a day or so with a new instance, thank you for your help so far.

Another thing to consider is whether your HA instance can actually talk to your Hubitat (and vice-versa for everything to work properly) over your local network. Whatever address you provide for the hub (e.g., must be one that the HA instance can get to.

So after reviving my HA, I have discovered that I can’t ping the HA IP address. This is odd because it is showing online on my router and it found devices on my network (like Lifx). So it just isn’t seeing Hubitat I guess? I’m running HA in a Virtual Box VM for now.

Ok sorry for the continued edits. I can ping devices on my LAN which HA found and ones even it didn’t find (like a wyze cam), but not Hubitat. If I ping hubitat from my windows machine, it finds it. Seems very weird.

You might want to check your network settings in Virtual Box and make sure “Promiscuous Mode” is set to “Allow All”.

The screenshot below is from a MAC, but you should see something similar in Windows.

Screen Shot 2021-04-21 at 10.53.09 PM

Hey thanks, it is showing allow all.

@jason0x43 was a solution ever identified for this? I’d like to move my automations off of Hubitat in to Node Red on HA, but these duplicate events are a problem.

If they’re the result of different attributes being updated on a physical activity, just having that extra metadata in the event in HA would be sufficient to drive a single action. Right now all the events look identical except for the ID and an automation to adjust dimness level by a percentage (for example) would be run multiple times for every action.

For reference, here is what my logs show when executing a single multi-tap event at my dimmer:

2021-04-25 16:17:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Received event: {'name': 'pushed', 'value': '3', 'displayName': 'Office Dimmer', 'deviceId': '1059', 'descriptionText': None, 'unit': None, 'type': None, 'data': None}
2021-04-25 16:17:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.device] Emitted event {'device_id': '1059', 'device_name': 'Office Dimmer', 'attribute': 'pushed', 'value': '3', 'description': None, 'type': None, 'hub': '68a45f4a', 'ha_device_id': '798e4a165dba9252a4fd69cb33d165bb2967dbe31a5c55e9f5fa1e86e81db99a::1059'}
2021-04-25 16:17:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.device] Emitted event {'device_id': '1059', 'device_name': 'Office Dimmer', 'attribute': 'pushed', 'value': '3', 'description': None, 'type': None, 'hub': '68a45f4a', 'ha_device_id': '798e4a165dba9252a4fd69cb33d165bb2967dbe31a5c55e9f5fa1e86e81db99a::1059'}
2021-04-25 16:17:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.device] Emitted event {'device_id': '1059', 'device_name': 'Office Dimmer', 'attribute': 'pushed', 'value': '3', 'description': None, 'type': None, 'hub': '68a45f4a', 'ha_device_id': '798e4a165dba9252a4fd69cb33d165bb2967dbe31a5c55e9f5fa1e86e81db99a::1059'}
2021-04-25 16:17:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.hubitat.device] Emitted event {'device_id': '1059', 'device_name': 'Office Dimmer', 'attribute': 'pushed', 'value': '3', 'description': None, 'type': None, 'hub': '68a45f4a', 'ha_device_id': '798e4a165dba9252a4fd69cb33d165bb2967dbe31a5c55e9f5fa1e86e81db99a::1059'}
2021-04-25 16:17:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [hubitatmaker.hub] Received event: {'name': 'lastActivity', 'value': '2021 Apr 25 Sun 4:17:46 PM', 'displayName': 'Office Dimmer', 'deviceId': '1059', 'descriptionText': None, 'unit': None, 'type': None, 'data': None}

It looks like Hubitat is sending a single event (“pushed”) and the integration is generating 4 events based on that. That’s what I see reflected in Node Red as well (i.e., debug shows my flow being hit 4 times with identical events).