Custom Component: Hubitat

The duplicate events are a bug, I just haven’t had a chance to diagnose the specific cause yet. It’s next on my list.

Okay, great! I saw that there was a GH issue for it after I posted this and added my detail there. Let me know if you need info and I’ll gather what I can.

And thank you for your work on this!

Has anyone been able to get HA to recognize an Aeon Minimote? I’ve included it in Hubitat successfully and gave permission to this component but after multiple reboots it still doesn’t show up. I assume it’s because HA doesn’t support buttons. Is there any work around for this or am I just doing something wrong?

I haven’t looked at the Minimote specifically, but button controllers are supported. You won’t get an entity for a button controller (unless maybe it supports battery status), but you should get a device for it. The device can be used as a trigger in automations, and events will be emitted in HA for button presses (too many event at the moment :smiley:).

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Wow you are absolutely right. I didn’t even think to look in devices for some reason but it’s definitely there lol. Thank you!

Is there any functional difference between the following methods of adding a device to HA? I currently own a Hubitat Hub and am wondering if there is any value in transitioning devices from HE to HA.

  1. Pair Zigbee or Z-Wave device to HE. Add device to HA through this custom component.
  2. Add Zigbee/Z-Wave USB gateway to HA machine. Pair Zigbee/Z-Wave device to said gateway. Add device to HA through the various Zigbee/Z-Wave integrations/add-ons.

More specifically, I’m wondering if there are certain Zigbee or Z-Wave commands that are not exposed in HA through this custom component that are exposed through a Gateway connected to HA. (I’m thinking specifically about Hubitat’s ability to use Zigbee Group Messaging.)


Kind of.
You can create rules and groups that use zigbee group messaging.
It’s not very command-liney.

Calling on my Hubitat deserters here looking at you @code-in-progress and @stephack .

I’m having an issue with two Aeon Door Sensors.
They were working fine before my Conbee2 stick “died” and I switched back to a new Hubitat hub.
Now Hubitat will not update status of the door sensors.
I’ve removed them and added them from HA.

After that wasn’t working I just powered up the 'ol Aeon Stick and tried out the OpenZWave2MQTT add-on as suggested before so I can heal the network.
I added it to the add-on and then got it into HA and the status is not updating here either.

Oddly enough, in the Add-On if I click on the Binary Sensors, if I click refresh while moving them to the magnet and away it’s updating.
What the heck is going on!?
I don’t want to replace these things if they’re updating in the Add-On, which says to me they’re still functional…

Thanks for any replies.

So some things I’ve found, this setting is the key:
It works now in Home Assistant.
I’d prefer to move it back to Hubitat (this worked with my old Hubitat hub… strange…)
I wonder if there’s away I can send this config parameter after adding it to Hubitat.

In HE there is this raw command driver. With that you can send any command to your Zwave device. Then switch driver again. The trick is not to press configure after switching driver.
Hope you get what I mean. It’s hard to describe all.

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Strange that it works before without having to manually set that parameter.

I would unpair from HA, then do a full factory reset, then join to HE. If it’s still not working, you can do as Frits suggested and manually set the parameter using the “zwave config driver”. I forget the name of the actual driver Mike made to do this.

If all else fails, your best bet is to reach out to bcopeland as he is now part of Hubitat staff and is the zwave guru. I’m sure he’ll get you sorted out quickly.

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I sent support an email now that I have a new hub and am no longer excommunicado.
I see thanks to the help of the debug window I have some new info to maybe write in a parameter:

nodeId: 7,
commandClass: 112,
endpoint: 0,
property: 121,
propertyKey: 16
[length]: 2

I have a monoprice driver where I used to write a parameter, so I know how to make a button that does that.
Too bad the default generic z-wave contact sensor driver isn’t available to be modified like SmartThings’ was.
I guess I can steal the old smartthings one but that might be gone now that their groovy platform is turned off.

Hi - I’m very new to this (just setup HA so I can get carrier infinity thermostat integration setup with my Hubitat).

I use the hubitat Zone Motion Controllers app to aggregate motion sensors. This way I can only have a few devices exposed to Home Assistant through the Maker API (and for a whole bunch on other reasons).

Anyway - it seems this custom component does not recognize when the zone controller is on or off. This is the output from the URL:

[{“name”:“mZone-North Motion”,“label”:“mZone-North Motion”,“type”:“Motion Zone Motion Sensor”,“id”:“5480”,“date”:“2021-05-24T06:33:04+0000”,“model”:null,“manufacturer”:null,“capabilities”:[“MotionSensor”],“attributes”:{“hubMeshDisabled”:“false”,“dataType”:“ENUM”,“values”:[“inactive”,“active”],“motion”:“inactive”},“commands”:[]}]

Is it possible "type:“Motion Zone Motion Sensor” is causing an issue? How would I change it so that HA sees it as a plain “Motion Sensor”?

Thanks much!

… actually, this might not be why my sensors are not updating.

In Hubitat the “URL to send device events to by POST” is set as “”.

My HA server is actually on 192.168.0.X. I have no idea why the 172 has been populated, but when I change it to 192.168.0.X - it changes back to Is it possible motion events are being sent to this dead IP?

One way to deal with this is to set the “event server URL” value in the Hubitat integration in HA. Open “Integrations” in HA, find the Hubitat integration, and click “Configured”. Then set the URL and optionally the port that Hubitat can use to reach your HA installation.

The issue is that, depending on how you’re running HA, the integration might not be able to automatically determine what address Hubitat should use to get back to it. For example, in a Docker container the integration can figure out the container’s IP address, but it doesn’t know anything about the host IP address.

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Have just got this setup as I am also getting fed up of the slowdowns on Hubitat. However for several of my button devices I use the released event for controlling dimming. However I don’t seem to get this event from Hubitat showing up in HA with this plugin. Is that/should that be supported?



Releasable buttons aren’t currently supported (to be honest, I hadn’t even seen that capability in the list). I’ve opened a new issue for it.

Has anyone seen not being able to do a add integration since updating to 2021.6.2? Custom component was installed using HACS.

I updated to 2021.6.2 earlier today, and I see Hubitat in the add list. Check HA’s log and the notification area for any hard errors. If nothing seems to be wrong, try clearing your browser cache and reloading; that seems to help sometimes when an integration doesn’t show up.

The warnings for custom integrations aren’t new, and don’t mean there’s a problem (as far as I’m aware), it’s just HA’s way of saying that custom integrations aren’t HA’s responsibility.

I’ve been on 2021.6.2 for a few days and made changes (removed two devices and added one on the Hubitat side) since and the changes made it through just fine, by restarting the Home Assistant service. Haven’t noticed any issues with this integration since I installed it.