[Custom Component] Tapo: Cameras Control

I have the same issue… using the onvif solution, but no motion sensor is detected

Thanks. I’ve removed the Tapo integration and use ONVIF for my card. The suggested solutions on GitHub (deleting the Tapo app, blocking the cameras from the Internet, searching for an earlier firmware to flash) don’t sound appealing. Hopefully, the developers will be able to fix this.

Are you able to use PTZ and presets through ONVIF? I tried these in the card, but they don’t work.

  - name: right
    icon: mdi:arrow-right
    service: button.press
      entity_id: button.living_room_camera_ptz_right

  - name: Preset 1
    icon: mdi:numeric-1-box
    service: select.select_option
      option: '1'
      entity_id: select.living_room_camera_ptz_preset

You have to use the option’s name value rather than it’s key value.

Thank you. But what would be that name?

The actual name of the option. For example I have 3 presets,: [1] is ‘Entry’ to see people standing at my doorway and interact with them, [2] is ‘Packages’ to keep an eye out for porch pirates, and the third [3] is ‘Snow’ as my employer likes to see how much snow is on the ground before we send our crews out during the winter (we are a landscaping company that does snow clearing in the winter). So the ‘option’ value where you have option: '1' would be option: 'Entry' in my case.

I see. In this case, the name of the presets in the Tapo app are 1, 2, 3 and 4. I guess ONVIF can’t control a Tapo camera without the HA Tapo integration, which is broken.

Hi Jurai

Im having the issue you with cloud password for my Tapo C310 cams. I followed your suggestions. " 1. Make sure that “Two-Step Verification” for login is disabled. Go in the Tapo app > Me > View Account > Login Security > Turn off the “Two-Step Verification”.
2. Reset your password.
3. Make sure your camera can access the internet.
4. Reboot your camera a few times.
5. Reset the camera. Remove it from your account, do a factory reset, add it back with internet access, add it back to the integration."

It solves the issue for like 15 miutes then its back again. 100% sure i have the correct password.

Really apprechiate help with this. And thanx for your work!

@Subseedshiva and anyone else experiencing the cloud password issue I am posting the link to readme again.

Ah, sorry, Now i see how big of an issue this is. Hoping TP-link will give you the necessary permissions soon!

Hi there. I’m trying to install this app from the link at the top of this post, but I keep getting this error:


I just updated to the latest version of HA, and am still seeing it.

I also can’t find it in HACS when I search.

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?

Weird. I can see it in HACS now for some reason and it is installing fine. Please disregard that last post! :thinking:

I’m also seeing this same error message when followed from OP integration link.

Hi Juraj,
I know all whats been said about cloud password problem, I just want to ask is there any chance to repair integration. I have four C-310 which stopped to work. After then, I upgraded them to firmware 1.3.11.
Basically, I just need Alarm function, all others is handled by Frigate, but there is no way to activate alarm sound without integration.
I also consider option to downgrade version of firmware, but I have no idea where to find version 1.3.8 for C-310.
Thanks in advance and best regards.

Hi, read readme and the issue there.

This may seem like a daft question, but are the camera media files (recordings), that I can view in Media Sources, the files stored on the cameras SD card, or are they pulled into Home Assistant storage?

Is there a way of viewing them without having to navigate to the Media Sources folder?

They are copied into HA yes , you wouldn’t try to view them other ways as the Cam is running/streaming already so it would cause huge lack, viewing them direct from cam from external software.

Best shot is to try to view them direct in the TapoApp, on your Phone

They are stored as mp4 files inside .storage folder by default but tou can change this path via configuration of the integration. You could store them also on Nas for example.

Thanks, but I’m trying to avoid using the app, for obvious reasons.

Ah, okay thanks.

For anyone who is interested, I successfully added a new camera today. It’s a TC60. I’ve left the firmware version at 1.3.7 and disabled auto firmware update.

So it is possible to add new cameras, well, TC60 cameras anyway.