Custom Dark Sky Animated Weather Card

It’s been forked with HACS here -

Working great for me, thanks @DavidFW1960!

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Thanks for a great card. Works like a charm on HA.
This card allow a wide range of ideas for customization.
I added photo background and kind of Russian translation to the script.
It’s good idea to add “Bft” (in the wind section) to the “case” part of the script with translation.

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Is it possible to use this with only your own weather station data ? I don’t want to use Dark Sky API for forecast, but it seems like it is required to enter an API key for this card to work, and i just want my own weather station data shown

You only need to set an api key if you’re using the darksky sensor but that has nothing to do with using the card. In Lovelace you configure the card with your sensor names. You don’t need to setup the component unless you want to show forecast information.

Then i don’t quite understand the configuration part of the github page for the card, which specifically states the following:

Required entries must be present in your configuration. The card will not work at all if any of these lines are missing.

After which it continues to show all forecast entities and dark sky sensors

If you want to use that card which includes forecast info you need to pull it from somewhere and tell the card in the config which entities you want to display. Obviously forecast information won’t be able to come from your own weather station.

Da9L, this card is hardcoded ark with sensor names and their data from Dark_sky. Author sets colours, spaces and other interface elements to make whole the card looks stylish. Some sets of sensor data is absolutely necessary for card, some of them are optional.
But all this things (sensors names, data format, etc) are wrote in JS for Dark_Sky API. If you are more or less familiar with JS programming, you may change few things to your taste. But for another equipment with another data format you’ll need to change almost everything. It’s seamless.
Did I answer your question?

None of the sensors are hard coded!!!
They are ALL user configurable. I use this card and don’t have any darksky configured.

You say none of the sensors are hard coded. Is it possible to pull and display the temp from netamo outdoor sensor and display it in the card? Darksky and my sensor don’t really match each other.



            entity_temperature: sensor.bom_gosford_air_temp_c

It looks at the entity you have configured for entity_temperature, in my case, sensor.bom_gosford_air_temp_c
You need to look at the card in the raw editor…

Actually… are you sure you are using this card? I have never seen it in a GUI like this…

That’s a good point. I’m using the custom weather card.


I added in the entity_temperature sensor but it did not pull from my outdoor sensor.

Ah yes I see see now. Will the card work for me here in Canada?

How you add this and how you add this type card and what is type card in lovelace ?

I followed the manual instructions.

But is any chance to add description in my language to wind or to highest temp ? as i have not by custom weather…
On left is my custom on right is add from

This thread is for the custom-weather-card… you are confusing this with a different custom card. @Dayve67

Sorry @DavidFW1960

Hi All,
I was just hoping for some clarification with the inner workings of this card. It seems the wind speed units displayed on the card is incorrect - showing km/h when the data from darksky is m/s. The direction is correct. Attached screenshots for clarity. Have I set this card up incorrectly? Any guidance would be appreciated as I am not savvy with Javascript.


edit: images

Just to make sure that I am clear…the Dark Sky version of this card from here, is not available on HACS. The version on HACS requires BOM weather to be used instead.

Or am I missing something?

You don’t need to use BOM weather. It will work fine with darksky. It’s 100% compatible.

Those two cards are completely different cards. They aren’t different versions of the same card. They are by two different authors.