Custom Dark Sky Animated Weather Card

Actually they are. The BOM card is a fork of this card with added features and changes but will work fine with the darksky config or the BOM config.

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Yeah, I guess that wasnā€™t technically correct was it.

I was trying to point out that by installing that card by using HACS that you wonā€™t be installing this card. But I didnā€™t do a very good job of it. :frowning_face:

Yeah thatā€™s correctā€¦ but if you setup Lovelace for this card, it will work with that card as wellā€¦

Awesome card. Just installed it and love it. HACā€™s integration would complete it.

I am using the BOM Card on HACS. I do not want to use any of the left or right slots. I added them all to the config like below in the hopes it would remove the large space between the Current and Forecast sections. The space is still there. Is there a way to remove the space?

slot_l1: remove
slot_l2: remove
slot_l3: remove
slot_l4: remove
slot_r1: remove
slot_r2: remove
slot_r3: remove
slot_r4: remove

Anyone else experiencing the custom card erroring out when accessing homeassistant (hassio .98.4) through an nginx proxy and

Works fine as soon as I VPN in and use the local host name for my hassio install.

Is it possible to show the name of the place, as with the ā€œLovelace animated weather cardā€ ?


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Hi there,
Since today I am facing this error:

dark-sky-weather-card.js?track=true:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'LitElement' has already been declared
    at dark-sky-weather-card.js?track=true:1
dark-sky-weather-card.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'DarkSkyWeatherCard' has already been declared
    at dark-sky-weather-card.js:1

This is causing the card not to load (Custom element doesnā€™t exist: dark-sky-weather-card.) while the card-file itself itā€™s correctly loading in the network tab.

I am not sure if yesterday was working because of cache, the latest update I did were HA (0.99.2) and some Customer Cards and Components using HACS (donā€™t remember exactly which one unfortunately).

Any idea?
Also, will this card be updated to work with HACS?


I just updated to 0.99.2, and updated HACS and all my integrations/cards in HACS, and my Dark Sky weather card is working fine. I did a clear cache/hard reload in Chrome and it still looks okay.

Is it possible to hide the forecast section for a more streamlined view?

If you mean the little blurb at the bottom of the card that gives a small summary then find and comment the following line in the card config:

entity_daily_summary: sensor.dark_sky_daily_summary

no, I mean the daily forecast block in the center. See below. I have am trying to save some screen real estate.


that kind of defeats the purpose of this cardā€¦ thatā€™s the main bit!

Agree and I use the full card on my main interface. I have two small tablets around the house. I just donā€™t need the forecast on those but i still prefer the top section of this card over any other weather card out there. Just curious if I was missing a setting/toggle somewhere.

Is anyone having issue since last HA update with this card?
Despite the fact that I can see the card code (and a 200 response) in the network tab, the card return an error as if it is not existing.

In the console tab I got this error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'LitElement' has already been declared
    at dark-sky-weather-card.js:1


I had no issues with it since a few releases.
Now on beta and no problems.

Hello guys

IĀ“m trying to make this work, but canĀ“t seem to make the card work. IĀ“m getting

2019-10-04 20:04:46 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.201909191] https://*****.*.:8123/local/custom_ui/dark-sky-weather-card.js?v=7.1:7:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ā€˜<ā€™

repeatedly. Anyone with the same problem?

You need to download the raw file.

Can it bit that it is conflicting with some other card?

After some digging I have found that the card stop working when Lovelace loads the card button-entity-row.js

If I disable that card from the resources, the Weather Card works correctly.

Would someone be able to install it (via HACS) and confirm that is not just me?
Who should I open an issue to? This card or the Button Entity Row?
