Custom Dark Sky Animated Weather Card

Will a github fork’ed repo work better?

but that’s not for this Dark Sky animated custom-card, your editing Bram’s animated weather card which is an entirely different card… and thread on this community.

still looking to find why this card creates a scroll bar in the iPhone (app and browser) right hand side, see iOS app Scrollbar using dark-sky-weather-card? for more.

Its fork, the BOM weather card doesnt seem to to that, (still have to set that up)

could anyone here using the DS card check please?

Can I make the card use my Aqara temperature sensor as the current temperature?

Of course you can. Just parse the correct entity to the card in the lovelace config.

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Can I use the card with another weather platform instead of Dark Sky?

Yes of course…

For reference, this is solved:

tooltip_width: 80. Had 110 before which went out of the card and forced it to the left.

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Can you please help
How to add aqara temp to dark sky card, how to add entity
I am using homekit cards

Have they changed the name of some instances like parltly-cloudy-night? Also in the ios app the card doesnt show icons.

so, as of 116 this card stopped working (doesn’t showing the view) and, even more surprisingly, prevents the full view from being displayed…

Has anyone got an idea to get it rolling again?

Check my fork @Mariusthvdb it’s fixed in there. Easy fix.

thanks David! already found the masonry view in Brams own card

Card is back again, will PR the Darkssky card with this.

Issue of Lovelace not displaying the full view remains though…

Keep in mind this little snippet from the dev blog:

But Note! This is not supported by HA. In the future, this may not work to import LitElement.

yeah, that’s why I had a peek at the Master’s card. If Bram uses it, it will surely be ok :wink:

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Good luck with the PR it’s been 2 years since any of those were merged.

haha, well, it’s more of a formality, and to have other users find this issue, and solution on the official GitHub repo for this card.

yeah, too bad the card is/seems abandoned.

One of the reasons I forked it.
I think I said before you can use my card with the same configuration you are using for the original one right? The config should be 100% compatible.

ok I will have a look at that once more David, thanks for the offer indeed. It’s just that I modified the card myself locally, so I never came around to do that.

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I haven’t had any real issues with the “official” version but is yours in HACS?

If it is just a drop in replacement I like using things that are actively maintained instead of orphaned.