Custom Dark Sky Animated Weather Card

It must have something to do with Hacs…as my code is nearly identical to yours @Mariusthvdb. I don’t know where the HACS file is thats keeps track of the js scripts. But for the life of me it’s not been for the want of trying. It works ok in an incognito window…so there has to be a caching issue…but I have tried all the tested ways of clearing it and nothing gives…!!

I’m not sure if this is an issue but the logs are reporting this

https://***************:8123/hacsfiles/lovelace-darksky-card/lovelace-darksky-card.js:719:14 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'childElementCount' of null

But I think this is because its still running the old js

But can you give me image for this ?

you can use any image you like, and either name them like in the template, or adapt the template of course.

It is NOTHING to do with HACS and Everything to do with CACHING!!! The fix is exactly as I described if you use HACS

I should also add if you don’t use HACS you change the resource by changing the version number and THAT works because it breaks the cache.

If you use ssl then HACS can’t manage the cache and you have to manually break it with my instructions above.

It was a caching issue. I followed your instructions to the letter re deleting the cache and it refused to work in both browsers chrome and edge. I deleted the resource god knows how many times and re versioned it too. I must have done it about 100 times. Then by some miracle it worked on chrome but not edge. I have no idea what why or how. I’ve just been repeating the same thing again and again and then finally did the same with edge and it now has deleted the old js file and it now works. Thanks to all….wish I knew what the exact sequence was.

I always fine deleting cache and hard reload with a couple of CTRL+F5’s fixes it… My card also includes the version and displays it in the console so you know it’s updated which makes it easier to troubleshoot as well…

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But i want use your because is very good

O, sorry, missed that… :wink:




This card is available to install by HACS ?

Making sure this is the correct thread for “custom:lovelace-darksky-card” installed from HACS and hosted here. If so, is there a way to remove the seperator, Summary for Today and Rest of Week sections? I use my own text below the card.


I’m also interested in this.
Compared to my old custom dark sky card, the summaries at the bottom are useless (not wanted and additionally empty)

Also, the daily forecasts begin only tomorrow not today. That also was different in the old card.
Not sure whether this is only a label issue or also config issue.

Not having today’s forecast makes the card a lot less useful.

Thank, it work!

After latest release (2022.5.3) this card is corrupted and this is what i get now:

Is there a way to have back the card working as previously?

Use my fork where it is fixed

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Which is the link?
EDIT: Found it and installed…
Just one question: using darksky am i forced to change some entries in the options or only the call to your custom card?

Only the call to the card. All the options should be fully compatible.

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Where is your fork with this fix?

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using dev nightly 2022.6 etc and an unchanged card for years now: