Custom Integration: Linksys Velop

Thanks. I went through the app and accessed through this option. I then changed the password and I am still getting the same error. Perhaps it takes a while for the password to update?


are you sure is correct I believe default is

Yep. Here are my nodes in my router.

Is there a way I can test logging in manually to see how it is responding? Thanks.


You can use Postman or any other application that can send requests. Screenshots below.

The text after Basic in the X-JNAP-Authorization header should be base64 encoded format of: admin:<your_password>.

Executing this should give you a response. That may or may not give pointers as to what is happening.

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I’ve just pushed a new beta out (2024.10.1b0). It’s quite a large rewrite of the underlying code that manages the entities and the coordinator to a certain extent.

I’ve also now made the repository for pyvelop public as well - after finally sorting out the build process and versioning etc.

You may have noticed that there was a tiny update a few days ago. The purpose of that was to correct the version management of pyvelop in the integration manifest and make it pin to a version of pyvelop before there were some breaking changes in it. If you receive errors about the integration not starting then you may be one of the people that haven’t updated to the latest integration prior to this beta. You have two choices… go to the latest publicly available version or install the beta.

Anyways, enough of that. I’m hoping you shouldn’t notice any difference in usability of the integration, but I have made my life much easier for maintaining it.

I am aware that the select entity is left orphaned under the mesh device. It isn’t provided by the integration anymore (well not in the same way) so you can safely delete it.

Any issues, either post here or raise something on Github.


I would like to thank you at the begining for this great work, I installed it a year ago and was working fine, between time to time disconnected and become unavailable.
Now a day most of the time unavailable, I have no idea why as there is no change at all with the password or anything else. Most of the time just like the picture attached and maybe come to connect once a day without any touch.
Can you please help me to find where is the wrong or missing what.