Custom Integration: Volkswagen WeConnect ID (Europe)

I requested support for ID Buzz at the code owner of the underlying library:

I have not got any updates of the odometer for 10 days i.e. it still shows the same value as 10 days ago. All other sensors (at least all I have checked) work fine.

I re-installed the integration, but that did not help.

I have an ID.4 with Software 3.0 and I can see the position of the car in the app.

Is there a known problem or did I do something wrong?

You need to enable the automated service appointments in the privacy settings. Otherwise the odometer is not transferred.


Thank you very much, that fixed it :blush:

It’s actually under “car service” (“Fzg. Service” in German).

Have you found any way to use this or a similar integration in the US?

I’m curious what led you to discover this was your issue? Is there a log file somewhere specific to this integration that showed something about accepting the terms of the contract?

No, unfortunately I have not found a MyVW integration yet.

Hi all,

I have installed the we connect for my Golf 7 from 2020. I can switch on/off the parking heater heating. But I do not understand the difference between the parking heater heating and the parking heater ventilation.

I am also confused about the “Force Data Refresh” ans “Sperre Golf door locked” and “entsperre Golf door locked”. What exactley is meant by these germann/english mix!



thanks, great addon! I got my ID configured. Now I’m trying to prettify the panel. I thought I’d add glance panel like this (the bottom row):


Which looks nice, but I’d like to have colors off from the bottom row icons when status of item is not active. I have the configuration so it should show color on icons:

      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        show_state: true
        type: glance
        columns: 4
        state_color: true
          - entity: sensor.id_4_climatisation_state
          - entity: sensor.id_4_door_lock_status
          - entity: sensor.id_4_plug_connection_state
          - entity: sensor.id_4_charging_state

But for some reason the icons always stay blue. I was thinking if it’s due that I should have some value_template where I would set the keywords, e.g. “Connected” → “On”. But where should I have such setting? Has someone done such already?

Hello guys:

Some help as I have an ID4 Pro performance purchased in Portugal. I tried all settings to set and always have not possible to connect? The email and password are correct … Can anyone help?

Thank you in advance

Is it possible to start en stop charging? I can not find it😅

This is possible, see my earlier reply:

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Make sure you have all the security settings in the car so you can control the car with the app. The integration should work if the VW ID app works :slight_smile: It uses the same API and security rules.

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That would work for binary sensors but not for regular sensors, I suppose.

You can build your own template binary_sensors based on these sensors and achieve what you want.

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Also make sure you allow all information to be shared with online services (either in the car or in the app), otherwise it may not work.

Hi! I am having some issues with this integration, someone more?
I post the logs here: VW - Pastebin

Last row, accept terms at has been done this morning but no progress.

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Same problem here

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Hello, does this integation exposes the cars gps coordinates ? or a device tracker entity ?
Thanks for great help :slight_smile:

Another question, how slow is the api ?
Like if i connect the car to the charger, does it take seconds or minutes ? to get the new state ?
I will be getting a new ID Buzz the next week i wanna give it a try.

How is it regarding polling time ? for teslas we can define polling to get more updated info but it will “drain” battery of you are very aggresive with it. Does this integration do something like that ? or is it a flat update time?

For starting the charging for instance, is it the best way just to call the service ? that is why we dont have a button ? Turning on the HAVC does the answer come back in seconds or ages ?

Same here. Was working perfectly until 3-4 days ago…

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Not yet, but that is not due to this integration. It is on VW