Custom Lovelace Card - Homekit style card

Ohhh You can se supportedFeatures on light entity stats and put the value from there. Got it working.

Hope that anyone searching the forum here will see that. Maby that should be updetad on the readme for the popup to avoid anyone allse asking. Thx all, Have a great day.

Even with this i still get a card that wont have picture from top to bot. Ice tried a picture larger then the button.

  - columns:
      - column: 1
          - title: People
              - card: 'custom:button-card'
                noPadding: true
                cardStyle: |
                  :host {
                    display: flex;
                    height: 100%;
                  color_type: card
                    sd: |
                          return `<ha-icon icon='mdi:motion-sensor' style='width: 15px; height: 15px; color: var(--paper-item-icon-active-color);'></ha-icon>
                  show_entity_picture: 'true'
                      - background-image: url("/local/jimmy.jpg")
                      - background-size: cover
                      - background-position: 50% 50%
                      - text-shadow: '1px 1px #000000'
                      - color: white
                      - font-size: 14px
                      - font-weight: bold
                      - grid-template-areas: '"i temp" "n n" "cpu cpu" "ram ram" "sd sd" "l l"'
                      - grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr
                      - grid-template-rows: 3fr 3fr 2fr 2fr 2fr
                template: button



It should work in the card it self, you sure you put the style at the right part of the card config?
Can you share the full config?

What is wrong on the screenshot you send?

HI m8.

I guess it can be abitt hard to see with the coloring. but 10% of the picture was cropped.
I fixed it with

                  - border-radius: 0px

I did not need to use that when i only had the custom lovelace button card.
Now its just about grid placement for the text and im done. Guess its mostly getting use to how this works. But now om done with a setup that looks like it did with button card.


A Question. Is it possible to setup a row or column with a condition code on?. Im using that on a card that has a custom lovelace button setup that only shows buttons when its info that is needed. Like for example. Front door is open. and then a icon showing the front door open is shown. OR example larm is not set when everyone left the building.

Rather then having a seonsor icon showing both closed and open I have a row in my previus setup that only shows them when i need to see them.

This bar below is that setup that shows now that my backdoor is open. and when its closed it get hidden.

Thx for all the work you put in. If the conditioning is possible then that will be my last step before im done with my setup.

Can anyone help me style this card so that the camera image fills it correctly?


This is what it should look like


Hi @slipx06,

i think i can help you, can you share your config what you have at the moment?


      - title: Camera
          - card: picture-glance
              title: Garage
              entities: []
              camera_image: camera.esp_camera1
              camera_view: live
            cardStyle: |
              :host {
                display: flex;
                height: 100%;
            name: Garage
            noPadding: true
            wider: true
            higher: true

Is it a design choice that title name does not show upp on homekit card when using popup light?

Cause when i use it on my old setup with button card and browser mod it shows the name of the light.
Ive search the forum here and been looking around for an hour now. but all i find is others posting configs without title name showing aswell :slight_smile:

my code for my lights:

enableColumns: true
home: false
tileHoldAnimation: false
icon: 'mdi:home-outline'
  - columns:
      - column: 1
          - entities:
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.vardagsrums_lampor_grupp
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
              - entity: light.vardagsrums_lampor_vanster_grupp
                name: Golvlampa VĂ€nster
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
              - entity: light.vardagsrums_lampor_hoger_grupp
                name: Golvlampa Höger
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
                  - otillgÀnglig
                  - unknown
              - entity: switch.koks_fonster
              - entity: light.koket
              icon: 'mdi:power'
                - color: '#271a00'
                  name: Movie
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.vardagsrum_movie_night
                - color: '#ffb424'
                  name: Familj KvÀll
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.familj_kvall
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
                closeButton: stÀng
                openButton: InstÀllningar
              supportedFeaturesTreshold: -1
              title: idiot
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Vardagsrum
        tileOnRow: 5
      - column: 1
          - entities:
              - entity: light.sovrumssang_vanster_grupp
                name: SĂ€ng VĂ€nster
              - entity: light.sovrumssang_hoger_grupp
                name: SÀng Höger
              - entity: light.sovrumsfonster_lampa_grupp
                name: Fönster Lampa
              - entity: light.sovrums_bank_vanster_grupp
                name: BĂ€nk VĂ€nster
              - entity: light.sovrums_bank_hoger_grupp
                name: BÀnk Höger
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.sovrumsbank_lampor_grupp
                name: BĂ€nklampor
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.sovrums_temp_lampor_grupp
                name: Temp Lampor
                title: |
                  [[[ return entity.attributes.friendly_name ]]]
                - color: '#00c788'
                  name: Grönt
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.gront_ar_skont
                - color: '#ff7200'
                  name: Mysigt
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.mysigt
                - color: '#c4d9d2'
                  name: Spelande
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.spelande
                - color: '#f000ff'
                  name: Sexigt
                  service: scene.turn_on
                    entity_id: scene.sexigt
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
                closeButton: stÀng
                openButton: InstÀllningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Sovrum
        tileOnRow: 7
    row: 1
  - columns:
      - column: 2
          - entities:
              - entity: light.hall_lampor_switch
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              scenesInARow: 2
                closeButton: stÀng
                openButton: InstÀllningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Hallen
      - column: 2
          - entities:
              - entity: light.malvinas_fonster_lampa_grupp
                icon: 'mdi:lamp'
                name: Fönsterlampa
              - entity: switch.malvinas_rum
                icon: 'mdi:floor-lamp'
                name: Golvlampa
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
                closeButton: stÀng
                openButton: InstÀllningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Malvinas rum
      - column: 2
          - entities:
              - entity: light.evelins_fonster
                icon: 'mdi:lamp'
                name: Fönsterlampa
                  - 'off'
                  - unavailable
              - entity: switch.evelins_rum
                name: Golvlampa
              actionsInARow: 2
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
                closeButton: stÀng
                openButton: InstÀllningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Evelins rum
      - column: 2
          - entities:
              - entity: switch.utomhus_vagg
                icon: 'mdi:wall-sconce'
                  title: VĂ€gglampa
                  name: VĂ€gglampa
                  actionsInARow: 2
                  brightnessHeight: 350px
                  brightnessWidth: 130px
                    closeButton: stÀng
                    openButton: InstÀllningar
                  switchHeight: 300px
                  switchWidth: 110px
              - entity: light.utomhus_ljusslinga
                name: Ljusslinga
              - entity: light.busklampor
                name: Busklampor
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              scenesInARow: 2
              supportedFeaturesTreshold: 40
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Utomhus
      - column: 1
          - entities:
              - entity: light.vardagsrums_lampor_grupp
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.sovrumsbank_lampor_grupp
              - double_tap_action:
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/2
                entity: light.sovrums_temp_lampor_grupp
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              scenesInARow: 2
                closeButton: stÀng
                openButton: InstÀllningar
              switchHeight: 300px
              switchWidth: 110px
              type: 'custom:light-popup-card'
            title: Grupper
        tileOnRow: 10
    row: 2
rules: |
  {% if states('sensor.current_lights_on') | float > 0 %}
  <li>{{states('sensor.current_lights_on')}} Lampor Àr pÄ</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "unlocked" in states('lock.entre_dorr') %} <li>Dörren Ă€r EJ LÅST!!</li>
  {% endif %}

  {% if "disarmed" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm') %}
  <li>Larmet Àr:  avlarmat</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "triggered" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm') %}
  <li>Larmet larmar</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "armed_home" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm')
  %} <li>Larmet Àr i:  Skalskyddat lÀge</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "armed_away" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm')
  %} <li>Larmet Àr i:  Helskyddat lÀge</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "armed_night" in states('alarm_control_panel.dammtorps_alle_lgh_alarm')
  %} <li>Larmet Àr:  Nattlarmat</li> {% endif %}

  <li>Tempratur Hemma Àr runt {{states('sensor.vardagsrum_temperature') |
  round(1) }} °C</li>

  {% if "home" in states('person.jimmy') %} <li>Jimmy Àr Hemma</li> {% endif %}

  {% if "home" in states('person.Maria') %} <li>Maria Àr Hemma</li> {% endif %}
statePositionTop: false
style: |
  :host {
    --tile-background: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.22);
    --tile-border-radius: 12px;
    --tile-width: 100px;
    --tile-height: 100px;
    --tile-on-background: var(--card-background-color);

    --tile-name-text-color: rgba(183, 183, 183, 0.59);
    --tile-on-name-text-color: var(--primary-text-color);

    --tile-state-text-color: rgba(183, 183, 183, 0.59);
    --tile-on-state-text-color: var(--paper-item-icon-active-color);

    --tile-state-changed-text-color: var(--primary-text-color);
    --tile-unavailable-state-text-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);

    --tile-value-text-color: var(--primary-text-color);

    --tile-icon-color: rgba(183, 183, 183, 0.59);
    --tile-on-icon-color: var(--paper-item-icon-active-color);

    --tile-width-mobile: 90px;
    --tile-height-mobile: 90px;

    --tile-icon-size: 30px;
    --tile-padding-top: 0
    --tile-image-radius: 0;
    .icon.image {
          position: absolute;
          width: 100%;
           height: 100%;
          left: 0;
           top: 0;
          z-index: -1;
       .icon.image img {
          height: 100%;
title: Home
titleColor: '#FFF'
type: 'custom:homekit-card'
useBrightness: true
useTemperature: false

You might see a few test names on titels were i try to make it work ^^
Sorry for posting allot past day.

Hi @Jimmy_Berglund,

There is no title / name as you see in the default more info popup.
Where would you wanna have a title?

Ill explain with pictures.

My old setup:

Here i had no problem getting a name tag from the entity.

New setup:

Here when i bring upp the popup all my efforts have all been invain. Even when i try manuy type the name. So i must be doing something verry wrong. or its not possible in homekit card?

Ive tried to find a solution for it on the forum but all my searching only found the same outcome as mine.

And the one i found that works are with browser mod. Allso kind wondering if dubble tap funktion for popup is only achivable with browser mod? or can it be called with the same funktion used for hold_action on the card itself?

Allso found that the swedish letter Ö-ö big letter only works on the mobile. “Övriga Lampor” on the desktop i get this 5

That might be easy for with some tile config i guess.

Hi @slipx06,

looks like it can not be styled to fill the whole tile :frowning:
I got it on my list to add a tile for camera’s hope to add that soon.

1 Like

Hi @DBuit,

can i please get feedback on my proposal?

Good or bad idea?
Better idea?
In progress or rejected?

Thank you in advance for your time and effort

Ciao , io ho provato il tuo codice , per un paio di test ma sembra che non prenda la card, le immagini non si colorano di giallo

hai idea del perchĂš?


Hi, great card
 loving it. Quick question, with my climate.thermostat, the HomeKit style card is always in a state of being “active” 

hvac_modes: heat_cool, heat, cool, off

right now its in cool, is that what is driving it not being grey’d out?

There is a sensor attribute for climate –

fan: on / off

Is there a way to set the Offstates to where fan is off, but only make the card active when it’s running? Thanks

Hi, you’re doing a really good job. I’m trying to make a condition on some card displays. I would like when the plex is launched, it will replace the card on my TV, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

                  - title: Salon
                      #- type: media-control
                      #  entity: media_player.samsung_tv
                      - card: 
                          entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_samsung_tv_ue43ru7175uxxc
                          type: media-control
                          - entity: media_player.plex_plex_for_samsung_tv_ue43ru7175uxxc
                            state: playing
                        type: conditional


Hi @marschiaan

I looked at your idea at i think i can add it but the problem is the tile does not have a entity.
The card you are loading has an entity of entities you never know.

To make something like that you also have to set the entity you wanna use for the state of the card and the states. I have to look into that.

Could you add this to the github so i dont forget it :slight_smile: thank you

Hi @Alindil,

That is funny there is no conditions in this card

but i just released V0.5 with some options to hide/show i card and some style options.

Hi not really sure how i made it :wink:
i dont have a climate my self so always hard to test. will check the code when it is in offState displayed.

Hello everyone! New update!

Just released V0.5:
Conditional stuff

And you can now use popup as tap_action.

And light popup card is also updated:

  • Add onStates and offStates default this is on and off but you can change it or add multiple if needed.
  • Fix for safari the slider thumb was not displayed correctly.