Custom Secondary Info for Entities Card

Sorry, what section of the F12 console window did you use to see that?

Using the elements section:

You can easily see what’s loaded and access resources using the hyperlinks.

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Ok, thanks for that info.

it’s always good to have new tools to help troubleshoot.

Version 0.3 released!



  • The configured entity object can now be referenced as {entity} inside a template. This enables compatibility with dynamic entity list generators such as auto-entities.
  • Requires card-tools 0.4, which introduces conditional statements in the template. See useful-markdown-card.
  • Examples updated

Could you tell me if it is possible to add a literal before the state of a sensor, so that it is more or less like this?


I would like to do that if the current version is different from the last available update, leave the literal in red advising and informing of the latest available version. With the If, ​​I only get the value of the sensor but when I try to add the literal “Version Available” it gives me template error.

        - entity: sensor.version_actual
          name: Version Actual HA
          type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
          secondary_info: '<p style = margin:0;margin-left:5px;color:#ff0000>[[ if(sensor.last_ha_version != sensor.version_actual,sensor.last_ha_version ,"") ]]</p>'
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        - entity: sensor.version_actual
          name: Version Actual HA
          type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
          secondary_info: '<p style = margin:0;margin-left:5px;color:#ff0000>[[ if(sensor.last_ha_version != sensor.version_actual,"Actualizacion Disponible:" sensor.last_ha_version ,"") ]]</p>'

If I put it like this I would give this error

Thanks :slight_smile:

I would like to display state and the last change, but I can not do it.

  - entity: switch.brama_wjazdowa2
    type: 'custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row'
    secondary_info: '[[ binary_sensor.brama_wjazdowa.state ]] - [[ binary_sensor.brama_wjazdowa.last_changed ]]'

How should it look like? I want like this ( on - 1 minute ago)

To get last_changed, use binary_sensor.brama_wjazdowa.attributes.last_changed

However, the template engine does not currently allow formatting of the last-changed timestamp to a relative value. There is a feature request to get that implemented.

@kikon_kike - You may have formatting issues in your conditional logic. Make sure you have comma+space between each element of the if/then/else clause.

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Is it possible to add secondary info in the header of fold-entity-row from @thomasloven (and not the entities inside the fold itself)? I somehow cant figure this out.

Minor release today, keeping up with the latest changes in card-tools.

Also happy to report that this card has also been moved to the custom_cards repository. The good news is that this migration should be transparent to current users of the custom updater. It updated my setup without any manual intervention!

I like this custom card very much. I want to display (next to other values) the “last_changed”-value.

This works, but it looks like:
Is there a way to get it in the format like the normal standard cards? like this one:


The standard card options also work in this custom card

What do you mean with this?

They don’t seem to.

                  - entity: automation.update_abb_usage
                    type: 'custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row'
                    secondary_info: "[[ automation.update_abb_usage.attributes.last_triggered ]]"

I can’t get anything to display this time as relative or as a local time - just shows GMT ISO timestamp.

adding something like this:

              - entity: sensor.last_boot
                format: datetime

Does not work…

How did you do this? can you post the card code?

I am getting red warning messages in the GU editor. Should I be worried?
And has anyone managed to format a timestamp jet?

(Home Assistant 0.93.1, card secondaryinfo-entity-row v.0.3.1)

There is no ability to format arbitrary datetime strings using this custom entity row. You can continue to use the ‘last-changed’ value that is available in the standard entity-row, and I believe the new formatting options would work for that.

Custom formatting of datetime strings should be do-able using, but I have not tried this myself.

Yes I can confirm that works.

When you said this I thought it should work with this card…

Hello - can you share your config as to how you got the last triggered formatting working please