Hey I have created a new solar power card because I either wanted nicer graphics or the cards did not have enough info. I have placed mine on github and would be thrilled to get some feedback. Installation instructions can be found there too. Here a low fps gif of it:
It’s in HACS also, search for tesla and use the “My awesome thing” card. I’m hoping the description of the card will get updated soon to “Tesla style solar power card”. Let’s see.
I just started the linting stuff and testing (requirements for hacs) and will try to add it, but I’m not sure how quick that will be, if anyone want to contribute that would be great.
This is some pretty nice visuals, any chance you can share your lovelace yaml?
I’ve been trying to get it to work on my end, but all the icons just say 0 kW, or 'you must define “entity”;, unless i give it a fake banana entity, then it works
Create a template sensor by multiplying your amps by the voltage. The view does not make sense in amps since we are trying to compare the (work) watt/hours flow between all sources and consumers.
any chance to update this to work on the latest home assistant as it messed up since latest update, the panel is there still but the lines with the dots flying around are now messed up
had some trouble updating, but hopefully will get this done this week. I’m working on the hacs version but I’m still learning “the right” way to do things, so that version might take some time.