Custom Solar Power Card the Tesla Style (almost)

You are missing a sensor. You have four but it needs five.

Missing solar_consumption_entity. Assuming the JS does some maths to generate that grid figure from generated and consumption. Perhaps a paste error as you do have five lines but first one just says “entity: sensor.iotawatt_total_house_consumption” but isn’t the right missing sensor either.

house_consumption_entity: sensor.house_consumption
grid_consumption_entity: sensor.grid_consumption
grid_feed_in_entity: sensor.grid_feed_in
solar_consumption_entity: sensor.solar_consumption
solar_yield_entity: sensor.solar_yield
type: 'custom:tesla-style-solar-power-card'

I don’t think the sensors are setup right?

PV + Grid = ~6,000W

Load + G2Bat = ~5,000W

1,000W variance.

The numbers are not the problem. They do not match exactly in every situation (snapshot) and there is also power loss in the system ( I have 6 inverters).
grid_to_bat sensor is about 4500W but the battery power is shown as 480W which is the PV Power in that moment (actually it is battery_charging_entity) I guess.


I’ve setup my entities for all the combinations on the panel.
I don’t think the grid to battery is showing the flow correctly.

These are the values of my sensors…

house_consumption_entity: 0.6
grid_consumption_entity: 2.9
grid_feed_in_entity: 0.0
solar_consumption_entity: 1.0
solar_yield_entity: 1.0
grid_to_battery_entity: 1.2999999999999998
battery_charge_entity: 80
battery_charging_entity: 3.3
battery_consumption_entity: 0.0
car_battery_entity: 55
car_charging_entity: 0.0
car2_battery_entity: 65
car2_charging_entity: 0.0

I got these from:

house_consumption_entity: {{ states('sensor.harvi_home') }}
grid_consumption_entity: {{ states('sensor.harvi_grid_import') }}
grid_feed_in_entity: {{ states('sensor.harvi_grid_export') }}
solar_consumption_entity: {{ states('sensor.harvi_solar') }}
solar_yield_entity: {{ states('sensor.solaredge_ac_power_kw_output' )}}
grid_to_battery_entity: {{ states('sensor.grid_to_battery') }}
battery_charge_entity: {{ states('sensor.powerwall_charge_corrected') }}
battery_charging_entity: {{ states('sensor.harvi_powerwall_charge') }}
battery_consumption_entity: {{ states('sensor.harvi_powerwall_discharge') }}
car_battery_entity: {{ states('sensor.jyggy_battery_level') }}
car_charging_entity: {{ states('sensor.zappi_jyggy_power') }}
car2_battery_entity: {{ states('sensor.vf1ag000366115079_battery_level') }}
car2_charging_entity: {{ states('sensor.zappi_paddy_power') }}

My calculation for Grid to Battery so far is…

{% if ((states('sensor.harvi_powerwall_charge') | float) > 0.0)  and  ((states('sensor.harvi_grid_import') | float) > 0.0)  %}
{{ (states('sensor.harvi_grid_import') | float) - (states('sensor.harvi_home') | float) - (states('sensor.solaredge_ac_power_kw_output') | float) }}
{% else %}0.0{% endif %}

But my card shows no flow from grid to battery ?


What is solar consumption? The solar produces, not consumes… I don’t have any way of determining how much solar production gets used in the house vs what gets exported to the grid other than creating a template sensor to calculate solar_production - house_consumption, which is my grid export value anyway…

Charging the battery from grid:
I’m not sure, but I think that the value for the battery comes only from the ‘battery_charging_entity’.
The ‘grid_to_battery_entity’ seems to be only used for the animation (which works good).
So, once I understood this I changed the template sensor for the ‘battery_charging_entity’ to get the right value for charging from the grid. I have this not tested yet but this would be OK for me.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Not sure, I didn’t write it, but if it’s required it must use it somewhere. I created template sensors for ones I didn’t have and worked from there. Add a template sensor and re-test. Or wait for dev to reply.


I’ve been reading a lot and trying out various settings, but I just don’t get it working properly.

Would anyone like to help me on my way?

I have the following data available from my Enphase Envoy-S Metered with a consumption and yield measurement coil.

  1. sensor.envoy_current_energy_consumption
  2. sensor.envoy_current_energy_production

How do I get this processed in the items below?

house_consumption_entity: sensor.house_consumption
grid_consumption_entity: sensor.grid_consumption
grid_feed_in_entity: sensor.grid_feed_in
solar_consumption_entity: sensor.solar_consumption
solar_yield_entity: sensor.solar_yield
type: 'custom:tesla-style-solar-power-card

I’ve tried to create the following additional sensors, but still I can’t figure it out:

  • platform: template
    grid_power_export: # Grid Power Export for Sense Power Wheel
    friendly_name: 'Grid power export
    unit_of_measurement: 'W
    value_template: >-
    {(states(“sensor.envoy_current_energy_production”) | float | int) - (states(“sensor.envoy_current_energy_consumption”) | float | int) }}
  • platform: template
    grid_power_import: # Grid Power Export for Sense Power Wheel
    friendly_name: 'Grid power import
    unit_of_measurement: 'W
    value_template: >-
    {(states(“sensor.envoy_current_energy_consumption”) | float | int) - (states(“sensor.envoy_current_energy_production”) | float | int) }}

Who wants to help me and others?

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

That is probably more likely when you post your code properly :slight_smile: How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question - #3

I love the look of this card and my Powerwall app looks so good so I want this on my home assistant but I struggle to set this card up. Can anyone with a similar setup post their configuration and sensors?

sorry, name was chosen wrong. Solar consumption will in the future be called battery_from_solar_entity.

I see, there is a bug. Due to the fact, that in germany we cannot (legaly) load the battery from grid, I have never tested it. So the lower flow is actually only the one from the battery and never from the grid. This should be an added one. I’m working on a new iteration that will allow this. It’s almost done and also has some nice extra features.
Just as a note, bugs like this should be posted as an issue in github rather than here. I would have corrected this much earlier. Sorry

Question to all here. I have created a new completely reworked version of this card. The problem I’m facing is it won’t be backwards compatible. Do you think it would be a big issue for you to migrate your setup when the new version comes out? Or do I have to create a backwards compatible version that I warn as “deprecated”? Second one will take a week longer at least.

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no problem, I was going to raise it on github if you didn’t respond. Just hadn’t got round to it yet.
I’ll do that if I spot anything else.


I’m happy to start with something new, it’s no big deal, just have to put in the correct sensors.

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This will not work, since now you will see the flow from battery whenever there is only grid_to_battery :frowning: I’m already on the solution

Ok, so since I don’t have batteries yet how can I get the card to work properly without that entity? I’d like to use it with just:

  • Solar generation
  • Grid import
  • Grid export
  • House consumption

It looks like others have done this but mine isn’t working (code posted further up thread)

I am just starting to get this card up and running but man is it amazing, I do not mind migrating to a new revision, great work with the card much love

thx for the card, much appreciated.
One question i have: Did you measure the power consumption of the EV charging on the charger? I dont have this values and just collect the data from the Tesla integration, which just shows gained km per hour.

Are there any workaround, or i cannot use the hole function of this card.


Sure man, here you go, create a template sensor like this one:

        friendly_name: "Tesla Charging with"
        value_template: "{{ (states.sensor.tesla_charging_rate_sensor.attributes.charger_actual_current * states.sensor.tesla_charging_rate_sensor.attributes.charger_voltage / 1000 ) | round(1) }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "kW"