With the new and improved settings & dev tools menus in the 2022.5 release generating some mixed reactions, I thought I’d share the approach I’ve been using for some time for quick access to things I use most when reconfiguring my set up. It is just a simple template Markdown card with URL links to the resources (both in Home Assistant itself and external reference web pages), arranged in an order that makes sense for my personal workflow (for the tasks I’m working on at the time). Then I added the page to the sidebar so it is always easily accessible (also for other Markdown cards tools on the page like automatically generating YAML scenes from the current states of entities).
For the record, this is not bashing the new settings menu - I think the improvements are great, especially having all the logs accessible from a single location! I just had to track down the new URL for ‘Server controls’ and update it.
If you want to create a layout that meets your own needs, here is one way to do it. Here is the YAML Lovelace for creating the card in Lovelace - enter your own ***MY_HA_URL***
at the top of the template, then customise the links and arrangement to suit your own tasks/needs:
# Quick links for managing HA
- type: markdown
title: HA Quick Links
content: |
{%- set HA_URL = 'https://***MY_HA_URL***:8123' %}
<ha-icon icon='mdi:microsoft-visual-studio-code'></ha-icon> [YAML/Python editing]({{HA_URL}}/a0d7b954_vscode "VScode config editor")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:code-braces-box'></ha-icon> [Jinja2 Templates testing]({{HA_URL}}/developer-tools/template "Test Jinja template")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:pound-box'></ha-icon> [Markdown preview](https://markdownlivepreview.com/ "Check Markdown text")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:file-tree'></ha-icon> [YAML Tree viewer](https://www.treedoc.org/#/ "Check YAML structure")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:checkbox-marked-outline'></ha-icon> [Server control (Check Config)]({{HA_URL}}/developer-tools/yaml "Check & reload configs")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:card-bulleted'></ha-icon> [HA Logs]({{HA_URL}}/config/logs "HA Logs")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:home-assistant'></ha-icon> [System]({{HA_URL}}/hassio/system "System controls, info & logs")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:backup-restore'></ha-icon> [Backups]({{HA_URL}}/hassio/backups "Manage HA backups")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:view-grid-plus'></ha-icon> [Addons]({{HA_URL}}/hassio/dashboard "Install & config Addons")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:home-group-plus'></ha-icon> [Integrations]({{HA_URL}}/config/integrations "Install & config Integrations")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:devices'></ha-icon> [Devices]({{HA_URL}}/config/devices/dashboard "List of devices")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:lightbulb'></ha-icon> [Entities]({{HA_URL}}/config/entities "List of Entities")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:gauge'></ha-icon> [States]({{HA_URL}}/developer-tools/state "States & Attributes of Entities")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:sigma'></ha-icon> [Statistics]({{HA_URL}}/developer-tools/statistics "List of Entity Stats")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:home-assistant'></ha-icon> [HomeAssistant.IO](https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/automation/ "HA configuration")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:home-assistant'></ha-icon> [HASSIO API](https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/dev_101_hass/ "HA Python programming")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:vector-square'></ha-icon> [MDI Icons](https://materialdesignicons.com "Material Design Icons")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:github'></ha-icon> [HA Github](https://github.com/home-assistant "Home Assistant Github page")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:overscan'></ha-icon> [Nextion instruction set](https://nextion.tech/instruction-set/ "Nextion HMI programming")
<ha-icon icon='mdi:github'></ha-icon> [Nextion Handler](https://github.com/krizkontrolz/Home-Assistant-nextion_handler "Nextion Handler on Github")
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**c**: Command Palette
**c th**: Reload Themes