Cync integration

Has anyone looked at or have done any work around CYNC integration for the smart lights and other devices GE has? I am pretty new to home assistant so I may be missing it somewhere but I did some poking around and was unable to find an addon for CYNC.



Same here, Id suggest a feature request. There is a HACS repository, but on the last step I get the following:
Authorization Error
Error 400: invalid_request

You can’t sign in to this app because it doesn’t comply with Google’s OAuth 2.0 policy for keeping apps secure.

You can let the app developer know that this app doesn’t comply with one or more Google validation rules.
Request Details
The content in this section has been provided by the app developer. This content has not been reviewed or verified by Google.
If you’re the app developer, make sure that these request details comply with Google policies.
redirect_uri: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob

this is mostly working

I have made some major changes to this integration recently. It no longer depends on Google Home and now directly controls these devices as long as you have a Wifi connected switch or plug in your system.

Give it a try and let me know if you run into any problems.


Tried this one and it does not work reliably for me. I tap it in HA and it goes back to off and maybe a few min later the light turns on

This should be fixed and much more reliable now. Try it out again, and let me know if it work for you…


I’ve spent hours trying to add these Cync bulbs and LED strips to HA, or invoke Alexa and Google routines via HA to manage them without any luck…then stumbled upon this post and it’s working within minutes. Thank you! Great work.

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yes it is working MUCH better and faster now!! thank you!!!

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I’m getting a constant “invalid repository” error when I try to add the repository. Spelling is correct, C&P the URL directly.

I just got this working. Thanks!!
Where did you find info on CYNC’s API? I started researching into it a while back and know they use a 3rd party (I forget who but believe it’s Chinese based) but hit some walls and have a severe lack of free time? Also, out of curiosity, why aren’t you able to implement the motion sensors?

How would use suggest handling rooms & groups as defined by CYNC? They show up as devices in HA and any operation on these room/group devices result in an “integer division or modulo by zero” error. I’ve tried deleting them, but HA won’t let me without deleting the associated entities first.


Every time I try to log in with Cync credentials and input the two factor authentication code I get an error? What’s going on?


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Never mind, I was getting a two factor email even though the password I used was wrong. I don’t know how that is possible. But it works now thanks!

Yes!!! thank you this is awesome. I cannot express my appreciation for this.

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Glad it’s working for you. I used a combination of packet capturing and decompilation of the android app to figure out the API. Unfortunately, the newest versions of the app have been obscured, so it may become difficult in the future to add new Cync devices when they launch new ones.

Working on it now. Thanks for posting your issue and device info on the Github page.

@nikshriv Hey there, maybe a dumb question, but would your integration work with the GE Cync smart fan switch? Looking at the github page, I assume yes considering that you log into a Cync account which leads me to believe it’s using the Cync API (feel free to correct me there). If so, how reliable/consistent would you say it works? Moving into a new house and trying to plan out smart lighting. Ideally I’d like to go with one solution throughout the house and that’s an investment that I want to make sure will work reliably.

Unfortunately, there is no official Cync API. This means that what I have managed to get working comes from capturing packets from the phone app and analyzing code from the decompiled app. I don’t own any of the fan controllers, so I’m not able to test one or perform packet captures. The functions for the fan controllers are obscured in the decompiled code, so I haven’t been able to add support.

Recently purchased one of the fan switches for a ceiling fan. It actually works with the current integration but it will show up as a light switch. I am planning to add support for fan entity soon so that it shows up properly in HA.


any plans for implementation into official?