Daikin AC Integration BRP069C4x

Thank you @rospogrigio …wonderfull piece of software,I installed it today on my brand new air conditioner and it’s working like a charm…everything done via config flow…
Just one question: it’s possible set the minimum temperature allowed to 18 degrees?..just because it’s the min for the ac and also for me (laughs),so any need to go below this…
Thank you again and ciao .

What do you mean? My HA allows me to set down to 7 degrees (in cooling mode)…

Yes same for me….but I want to limit to 18 degree the minimum settable temperature.
( vorrei limitare la minima temperatura impostabile a 18 gradi )
Thank you

You can make an input number helper entity, limit its min/max values and map that one to the temperature setting entity.

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Didn’t know that… @Skye can you be more specific on how to do the mapping?
Anyway @vercellino , this limitation cannot be set on my integration, it has to be done in HA (I don’t know if in the climate integration or in the frontend) so you’d better ask elsewhere or follow @Skye’s advice.

Ok I will investigate… thank you for your amazing work, really appreciated…. grazie ciao

What I was thinking is an automation that tracks changes to the input_number entity and sets its value to the climate entity.

Hi @rospogrigio, I can install the integration using HACS but then when the email and password I get the message “Failed to retrieve access token set”. Can you help me with this issue, pls?

Please open a new Issue in the Github project and let’s deal with this there.
Also, please enable debugging (adding the line custom_components.daikin_residential.daikin_api: debug to configuration.yaml) and post the debug output there so I’ll check if I can help you.

Ok @rospogrigio. I will proceed as you said.

@rospogrigio After my token was expired I updated my integration to 2.0.2 but now only these entities are available:

The outside temperature and the energy values are not available or its me?

Thakns for your wonderful work again!

Edit: After reboot all is working as usual.

Kind regards

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@rospogrigio Is it me or is it not possible to change the heating target temperature with an input_number entity?

E.g. What I want to do is set the target temp lower when I’m not home and to normal when I am. I like to use input_number entities to configure these values but in the automation editor it only seems to allow true integer values rather than a variable.

Am I missing something? Limitation of the integration or HA perhaps?

You need to use the YAML-editor, (accessable via the three dots).

This is how I do it where climate.mjovik is my AC and states.input_number.trip_temp_low is my input:

  entity_id: climate.mjovik
  operation_mode: heat
  temperature: '{{ states("input_number.trip_temp_low") }}'
service: climate.set_temperature

Full automation:

alias: Trip temp low (set ac to heat)
  - minutes: /10
    platform: time_pattern
    seconds: '2'
  - condition: template
    value_template: >-
      {{ states("sensor.vit_inne_temperature")|int <
      (states("input_number.trip_temp_low")|int - 2) }}
  - condition: state
    entity_id: input_boolean.trip_mode
    state: 'on'
  - data:
      fan_mode: Auto
    service: climate.set_fan_mode
  - data:
      entity_id: climate.mjovik
      operation_mode: heat
      temperature: '{{ states("input_number.trip_temp_low") }}'
    service: climate.set_temperature
mode: single

Since I updated home assistant core to version 2021.10.x 2021.10.2 Daikin AC integration is behaving abnormally. When starting HA one of my RPI4 processor cores always works at full load, bringing the load average to around 1.5.
By deactivating the integration for my four air conditioners (BRP069B4x module with firmware 1_14_33) and restarting Home Assistant, everything is back to normal.
Once HA is started, integration can be re-enabled, without causing excessive processor usage issues.
Of course, in case I need to restart home assistant, at the moment I have to disable Daikin AC integration to avoid the CPU overuse problem.
Has anyone else run into this problem?

problem solved with core-2021.10.3 (Bump zeroconf to 0.36.8?)

Does it work for Perfera units too? FTXM-R. I don’t know wether to buy Daiking ACs or buy mitsubishi instead.

I have Perfera’s. The integration works, but the WiFi connection on the units is pretty unstable. It works, but it goes unavailable quite often, and if this aligns with a scheduled change (in the Daikin app, not HA) it gets dropped.

I guess it depends on your WiFi network, I have 2 and looking at the HA history they rarely if ever drop out.

I have three of these and I would like to control them with node-red. I would need the API documentation for them. I tried searching in google but no results.

(I have the ones controlled locally, not the cloud ones)

Has anyone the documentation about the [BRP069C4x] API?

Do you mean these ?

  - 'off'
  - fan_only
  - heat
  - cool
  - heat_cool
  - dry
min_temp: 7
max_temp: 35
target_temp_step: 0.5
  - auto
  - Silence
  - '1'
  - '2'
  - '3'
  - '4'
  - '5'
  - none
  - eco
  - boost
  - away
  - 'Off'
  - Horizontal
  - Vertical
  - 3D
current_temperature: 21
temperature: 23
fan_mode: 4
preset_mode: none
swing_mode: 'Off'
friendly_name: Clim
supported_features: 57

Nope, I meant these ones: https://github.com/ael-code/daikin-control

But with the information provided, I can’t do a successful test for /aircon/set_control_info in postman…