Daikin AC Integration BRP069C4x

Why don’t you just buy Daikin wi-fi controllers and use the official integration instead?

  1. because my splits are not officially supported (as you see, it’s 35 and 25 G)
  2. because it’s much more fun!

Let’s see if something comes out from the serial interface, if this is the case and managing it is hard i can always buy the official module :slight_smile:

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Surely is supported - prefix letter doesn’t affect it. If it wasn’t supported by the daikin controller through S21 did you expect to command it via ESP DIY controller via same S21 :)? If it’s for the fun then it’s another story. BRP069B42 was 25Eu few years ago, now is around 40Eu and may be soon will be discontinued and not available.

i’ve just burnt two esp8266mini for unknown reason so it’s not that much fun :smiley:
btw, in italy BRP069B42 in range 25-40€ is not something i can buy…

Did you burn them on a Daikin project?

it seems i was able to pick the only defective step-down i had in my games-box.
so i got a new one and… damn this works. and yes, it’s a lot of fun!
dupont cables also fit perfectly in the socket, so now it’s just a matter of coding the control part, because the bus works! i’m so happy about having my splits in HA…

(D p:^0002ms) (dump_state) ** BEGIN STATE *****************************
(D p:^0001ms) (dump_state)   Power: 0
(D p:^0002ms) (dump_state)    Mode: Cool (idle)
(D p:^0008ms) (dump_state)  Target: 27.0 C (80.6 F)
(D p:^0001ms) (dump_state)     Fan: Auto (610 rpm)
(D p:^0004ms) (dump_state)   Swing: H:1 V:0
(D p:^0004ms) (dump_state)  Inside: 27.0 C (80.6 F)
(D p:^0004ms) (dump_state) Outside: 27.5 C (80.6 F)
(D p:^0005ms) (dump_state)    Coil: 27.5 C (80.6 F)
(D p:^0005ms) (dump_state) ** END STATE *****************************

it seems daikin splits on S21 port answers more requests(*) than those managed by the available code (e.g. GitHub - joshbenner/esphome-daikin-s21: ESPHome Component for Daikin Mini-Splits using the S21 serial port. ) so to help reverse engineering it any of you has a list of functions/sensors can be accessed by the official daikin app with the official wifi module?

By now the code manages power/mode/fan speed/swing and reads inside/outside/coil temps and fan speed.
Probably the is something about start/stop time (not that much interesting having HA), powerful mode and something like that…


(*) it seems my split also answers to “F2”, “F3”, “F4”, “F8”, “RA”, “Rb”, “RB”, “RC”, “RD”, “Re”, “RE”, “RF”, “Rg”, “RG”, “RK”, “RM”, “RN”, “RW”, “RX”, “XA”, “XE” requests

I ask for help
I don’t know if it’s my problem but I can’t set the preset modes,
as soon as I select one, after a few seconds it disappears and returns to none

  - none
  - away
  - eco
  - boost

Can the cause in my DAIKIN BRP069A42 B42 adapter not allow it?


Can you set any of these modes through Onecta app when you use BRP069B* adapter?

I would not know.

I haven’t entered the app for some time, I only used it to update the adapters, however it seemed to me that it could be done, but I don’t know if the function disappeared after an adapter firmware update.
In the last 2 years I have been using it automatically based on photovoltaic consumption and I haven’t put my hand to it anymore.
The problem is that these days it’s very hot and I wanted to start in boost mode, so I asked this question

could also be your unit (and not the adapter)
not all the units support the S21 control of eco and boost mode, please check with the official Daikin app if you can set them (i can from the remote controller, but not through the S21 interface, at least with expected F6 and F7 commands)

I looked, in fact from the app I can only set:

  • hvac_modes
  • fan_modes
  • swing_modes
    so you can only set it from the remote control.
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thanks for confirming (sadly…)

It seems that the serial interface also provides the speed of the fan in rpm. Does anybody know if this data is also available over the local API or Onecta?

My installer informed me that Daikin is planning to make the cloud API opensource for DIY at the end of this year.



That’s what I’ve heard as well from sources within the Daikin Europe head office :wink:


There is an firmware update (1_28_0) for my unit fitted with the BRP069C4x.

Anyone checked if this is the promised update for local API?

Nope, hitting port 80 on the IP address still just gives the licences back

Good start. Now they just need to add local mode back… if they want data they can still track the usage via the cloud connection anyway (unless you block internet access for the controller), so there’s really no good reason to not have a fully local mode…

Its a JST EH 2.5mm Pitch 5-Pin Female Connector on both ends.

Note, the Daikin has five connector pins, but it only actually uses 4 of them on the official cables.