Daikin Airconditioning & WiFi module

I’ve looked but I’m far from knowledgeable on the topic. I did spot these urls near the bottom.


Hi, Any news about the integration of Daikin Perfera?

Just got an Daikin Caldo II XRH30 (FTXTM30R and RXTM30R), which has a built in wifi adapter that returns “Page Not Found” for all the traditional API URLs. After some googling I found this lovely thread. Anyways, I noticed that there is a “diagnostics” function in the “Daikin Residential Controller” app, I ran it and in the resulting zip I found the following interesting log:

2021-10-15 <REDACTED> - Time server response

2021-10-15 <REDACTED> - UDP basic info
[2021-10-15<REDACTED>] 192.168.0.<REDACTED>: ret=OK,type=GPF,cdev=RA,protocol=DGC,reg=eu,ver=1_12_35,rev=AB0A576,comm_err=0,lpw_flag=0,adp_kind=4,mac=9C50D1<REDACTED>,ssid=DaikinAP<REDACTED>,adp_mode=ap_run,method=polling,name=%44%61%69%6b%69%6e%41<REDACTED>,icon=0,edid=0000000003<REDACTED>,sw_id=19<REDACTED>

2021-10-15 <REDACTED> - HTTP data of adapter 1/1 at 192.168.0.<REDACTED>
GET /common/basic_info
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_wifi_setting
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_network_setting
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_datetime
Page Not Found
GET /aircon/get_model_info
Page Not Found
GET /aircon/get_sensor_info
Page Not Found
GET /aircon/get_control_info
Page Not Found
GET /aircon/get_day_power_ex
Page Not Found
GET /aircon/get_week_power_ex
Page Not Found
GET /aircon/get_year_power_ex
Page Not Found
GET /aircon/get_demand_control
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_remote_method
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_wififw_version
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_regioncode
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_wlanregioncode
Page Not Found
GET /debug/get_fwupdate_history
Page Not Found
GET /aircon/get_monitordata
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_servername
Page Not Found
GET /common/get_info
Page Not Found
GET /config/firmware/info
GET /config/wlan/settings
GET /config/adapter/user_info
GET /config/adapter/product_info
GET /config/adapter/datetime
GET /config/adapter/err_info
{"rsc":2000,"cnt_net_err":0,"con_ltime":"----/--/-- --:--:--","discon_ltime":"----/--/-- --:--:--","boot_cnt":1,"reboot_cnt_ping":0,"reboot_cnt_sync":0}

I tested the /config/ URLs manually and they give the same data back, which is good news, at least there are some API points available. Question is how to figure out the rest.
Another interesting thing is the thing about UDP, my guess is that the pump either respond to UDP messages or periodically sends out UDP messages (for automatic identification).

Another thing that popped into my mind was that I initially was asked by the app to upgrade the firmware. That firmware must have been downloaded from somewhere and it would be really interesting to get hold of the binary and have a peek inside. Anyone who knows where to find the binary?

Maybe get in touch with Daikin directly? Something seems to finally be moving over on the Homey forum, apparently there’s a dev there that is getting it done after discussing things with them. A working integration is expected there in the coming days / weeks.

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Hi! Where is this diagnostics function? I can’t find it on my app (Android). Or, do I have to first register my device? For some reason it failed with “Invalid unit information”.

hey, did you have any luck with integrating daikin go to home assistant? fellow Malaysian here too

Hey…I wished the answer was “Yes” :smiley: I have not had any luck so far and information is also really scarce. Main reason is the wifi unit is only available in our country/region and Daikin is actually charging for the more premium control.

The only way to get around this would be to sniff the packet which I have no idea how to do or the right hardware to do it unless someone can provide a guide how to do it.

I have since bought one more Daikin Smarto. I am also now looking to replace another old Panasonic aircon which I am considering whether to go Daikin or Panasonic. :thinking:


the only way it seems for it to work with the integration would be to get a ‘BRP072C42’ module and see if your ac is compatible with it, haven’t tried it though or check since its quite expensive at rm250 on shopee for just 1

Not worth the money. I am researching on how to sniff the info and might try something in a week or two. If I get anything, will definitely post here to see how we can go further.


So - I might be onto something here.
Maybe some of you (like me) have one or more amazon echos in the house.
There is a skill “Daikin Residential Controller” for Alexa which allows you to login to Daikin and then you can see your Cloud Daikin Devices in the Alexa app and have basic control over them (See current temp, set temp, turn on, turn off).
Works really well with Alexa.
But I am stuck at getting this device back into home assistant to get an entity and integrate it in lovelace or in automations.
Maybe anyone has an idea about that?

The Alexa API is one way only. It allows exposing Home Assistant devices to Alexa.

It does not expose devices from Alexa to home assistant.

Same goes for Google Assistant.

This is a limitation of the voice assistant APIs, nothing Home Assistant can do about it.

Thanks for the reply.
Well for now I have made some very basic controls via webhooks. Turn on / Turn off are Webhooks in Alexa Routines that I can start from HomeAssistant. Not the most elegant thing but I can at least have basic control over the Daikin from home assistant.

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Hi Darren,
I noticed (or google did :slight_smile:) that you mentioned Daikin Alira in your post. I am looking at getting some Daikin A/Cs. Cora’s are cheaper but need additional external wifi module (that needs to be installed on the outside of the indoor unit?..probably not the best looking option…). Alira have wifi built in.

Did you have any luck with integrating your Alira with HA? Did it work with the built in wifi? Any issues? Are you happy with it?
Would you recommend going with Alira or Cora + External Wifi device?

I would be very grateful for your help.

… I just realised that there is Alira and Alira X. I suspect you have Alira + External WIFI and Alira X will probably not work with HA as it is the newer model.

Hi piotro,

I have two of the Alira FTXM25s with separate BRP072C42 WIFI adapters
after getting them working with the custom integration and then the official integration I disabled the app and blocked them from the internet (I learned that lesson with my SunGrow inverter!)

I’m very happy with the automation, I can automatically turn on the cooling or heating to use my extra solar capacity and turn things on or off depending on occupancy.

I’m not sure if its still possible to use the BRP072C42 with its new firmware as I’ve not been paying attention since mine still works.

Hi Darren,

Thank you very much for your help. It sounds like a Daikin aircon with a separate wifi module should do it. I will probably go with the new Cora units + Wifi module for some of them.

I’m currently in the market of getting a Daikin AC and wondering if I should choose the Comfora or Perfera. I had a quote with the Perfera (FTXM20) but if it doesn’t integrate with HA, I’d rather go with the Comfora and plug in a wifi adapter. I’m a bit lost on the current status and if we’re able to integrate the Perfera in HA or not.

Did you end up getting one? We are looking at getting a Daikin and hoping it works with HA :frowning:

Hi, i’m wondering if anyone have experience replacing the Daikin wifi controller with Revk’s ESP32-Daikin? would be wonderful if possible to control Daikin AC locally.

I have Daikin Perfera FTXM20R and FTXM42R (same model, just different capacity) with built-in Wifi. This works well with HA via the Daikin Residential Controller integration.

In another Daikin FVXM35F (floormodel) they added a wifi-module which is also working with that integration.

I really like the fact that Daikin logs the electricity consumption of every unit per hour/day/week/month etc. All this info is available in the Daikin app (ONECTA) and even better in HA.

Good luck!

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Thank you @MZorzy, I have been pulling my hair out trying to get my BRP15B61 connected to a new instance of Home Assistant. I thought my VLAN setup was the issue. Can’t believe it was this simple.


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