Daikin AC Integration BRP069C4x

How? Thought the BRP069C4X is not supported?

I have 3 Perfera’s with BRP069C4x and though local doesn’t work, using the HACS addon and the Daikin cloud I can control them perfectly.

Yeah it works great. I’m using the HACS add-on which you can read more about here.

I can’t seem to find this in hacs? how did you add it?

EDIT: 3 dots in the top right then add rospogrigio/daikin_residential

During the holidays I had some time to check this out further. I was able to get the Daikin to show up in my phone by going into my Aruba wifi settings and disabling the Broadcast filtering setting (which is enabled by default it seems):
2023-01-02 22_03_21-aruba-settings
(The IAP drops all broadcast and multicast frames except DHCP and ARP, IGMP group queries, and IPv6 neighbor discovery protocols and additionally converts ARP requests to unicast and send frames directly to the associated client.) since the Dakin app uses a broadcast it was being blocked by the Aruba I figured.

After I disabled that on the wifi network, the Daikin immediately showed up on my iPhone app.
Still no luck getting it enabled again in HA. It’s also not being auto discovered (I don’t know how to trigger the autodiscover piece) Maybe something of the old environment is still stuck in the database.
Might start over with a fresh install of HA to see if will autodiscover then but happy at least I got the airco back on the daikin app on my phone!

see my answer: Daikin Airconditioning & WiFi module - #84 by bartland

In brief: Daikin Perfera models work with the built-in wifi module and the Daikin Residential Controller integration (that relies on the cloud).

As I see so many Daikin owners here, I wonder if anyone can help me: I have a bunch of FDXM interior ceiling units. The proper kit for this would be BRP069A81 (which comes with the BRP069A42 unit) or the BRP069C81.
I learned the hard way that the C81 kit does not have the local API. It also seems that the BRP069Bxx series has support for the local API, but I don’t know if there is any device or kit on this series that is compatible with my units (FDXM).
Any hints on this?

And BTW, does Daikin sell cables separately? I wonder what would be the reference for those cables that are bundled in the kits.

That is happening to me as well with a BRP069C81 module. The bloody access point is broadcasting its ssid all the time.
Did you figure out how to disable it?

Not sure if this is helpful, but with my FVXM35A3V1B (FVXM-A) which has the BRP069C4x adapter I use the infrared remote control to turn off WiFi after I’ve instructed it to join my (iot) WiFi network. Precise instructions are in the manual, but you have to turn off the module, press the power mode button for 5 seconds and then you can choose 1 (test wifi), 2 (connect wps), 3 (connect via ap/key), and off (turn off wifi) and send the signal via the power mode button again. This works for the above mentioned unit, but not for my second top-wall mounted unit (which just drops off the network). The thing keeps broadcasting its SSID :confused: HTH

Interesting that it worked for you. It seems to be an issue with the specific adapter. Where the B variant does switch off SSID broadcasting, but the C adapter doesn’t. But you got it working on the C adapter apparently?
I couldn’t get it to stop broadcasting the SSID on my Perfera with the BRP069C4x adapter.

If I understand your instructions correctly:

  1. Shutdown device
  2. Disable Wi-Fi (set it to OFF)
  3. Restart device maybe?
  4. Activate WLAN again through choosing 2 or 3 depending on my setup (for me it’s 3)

Is this how you did it, or am I misunderstanding?

Is this how you did it, or am I misunderstanding?

Yes, more or less. I’ve copied the relevant instructions from the manual for you (I followed those):

Connect to my WiFi using SSID and KEY:

Then disable the WiFi:

This works for my FVXM35A3V1B because I no longer see its SSID appear, while I’m still able to control it via the ONECTA app.

For the FTXM35R2V1B (other unit) I follow a likewise procedure. The SSID disappears, but the device also goes offline in the ONECTA app.

Thanks, that’s also nearly the same instructions my manual shows. For me putting the Wi-Fi in off mode, also means it can’t be controlled to the app anymore.

It’s unfortunate and Daikin is aware and promised a fix this year, but so far they haven’t shown that they really care.


I was going crazy trying to accomplish the same.
Let’s wait I guess.

Hi all.

I am new to HA, but got it running quite quickly with the great support all over the place! Was a little frustrated that I could not add my Daikin devices first, but then I found @rospogrigio 's great addon, and everything worked like a charm. Now I tried to create an automation based on the power state (to turn it off automatically after one hour), but could not find a “power on” trigger. I see the API seems to provide it. Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks a lot!

Just wondering, has someone attempted to reverse engineer the communications protocol between the AC unit and the (apparently pretty crappy) wifi module?

After reading all the fighting with its shitty cloud API, broadcasting useless APs, etc. it seems like the effort would be better spent on reversing the protocol on the wire - maybe it’s based on something standard - and seeing if it could maybe be implemented on a simple ESP microcontroller (similar to what’s done for the Mitsubishi units).

I was looking at this the other day.

Hi. How are you solved this? Do you bought a Perfera split and connect it locally.

Seems like our SSID related prayers were answered:

ONECTA 3.12.x

- BRP069C4/5x automatically disable adapter accesspoint broadcast(DaikinAPxx) after new FW update. manually via "network gateway" -> select ssid item.

- BRP069C4/5/8x new Firmware 1.23.0

- connectivity improvements

- accesspoint broadcast disable support (BRP069C4/5x only)

- general improvements

- BRP069B4x new firmware 1.14.78

- connectivity improvements

- Added Google Assistant functionality:

- Air conditioning units are not shown as thermostat devices anymore.

- Air conditioning units can be set to fan only or dry if it is supported as well as auto/heat/cool.

- Fan speed can now be set to low/medium-low/medium/medium-high/high/auto.

- Domestic hot water tanks are shown as water heater devices. You can turn it on/off, ask the temperature and set the powerful mode on/off.

I can confirm at least for my 4 units - 1xFTXM42R and 3xFTXM25R I no longer have daikin wifi networks crowding my 2.4ghz wooo


Actually I still have them, it’s just a hidden SSID but it’s still broadcasting. I was very disappointed by this Daikin trick when I realized it.
Can you check if it’s the same for you? you just need to download an app to analyze wifi network, and you’ll see hidden wifi networks with MURATA MANUFACTURING producer

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@yelo3 Oof, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined :smiley: You are right, they just stopped broadcasting the SSID but the networks are still there and still interfering, sadness

Edit: I have one floor unit, that uses an extra wifi module that shows up as BRP069B4x and that one doesnt broadcast anything, not sure why they haven’t done this properly for BRP069C4x, at least explain why the hell they cannot mimic the behaviour of BRP069B4x

Edit2: BRP069B4x actually also does this apparently just the MAC is very different so I didn’t notice it initially, so in conclusion I have 5 WiFi networks with hidden SSIDs for no apparent reason.

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