Daikin Integration - Updated 2022-09-26

Where did you buy the connecting cable and adapter?

The cable - from Daikin, the installer bought it for me. The adapter - I had it from before but itā€™s available either from Daikin and from eBay/marketplace/OLX.

Thatā€™s nice, Iā€™ll see if I can make the same. Is there any way to disable the builtin AP in the board?

Pull off the connector from the board. But anyway they can work simultaneously - if you add both adapters to Onecta - the AC will appear twice in the app. You can than remove the old adapter one from your Onecta account - thus way it will remain in your LAN but will not be connected to your cloud account.

it is. Iā€™m controlling my splits with simple dupont wires from a ESP8266 to the S21 socket.

Hey, thatā€™s really cool, can you share the code for this?

oh, well, let me see if i can remember how to put something on github, never thought someone could be interested :slight_smile:

Iā€™m very interested! Because I wonā€™t need to buy an official Daikin adapter and cable this way! Can you share the wiring scheme as well? I believe thereā€™s loads of people interested in that!

oh well i just used an esp8266 mini, a mini560 step down, a mini breadboard and 5 dupont cables (one is not used) male to female. Far under 10$.
This also fits inside the units:

The socket is in the specs described by this project

but obviously i can speak only for my units model (FTXSxxG). Iā€™d try with a tester to see if yours is the same, maybe youā€™ll need also a level shifter for serial lines.
i also freely took part of this code so kudos to them :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll try to post my code this weekend on git. The integrations is done fully with mqttā€¦

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damn iā€™m so bad with github lol
let me know if i really posted something :slight_smile:

Hi MassiPi.
Great job. Iā€™m trying to do something like this to integrate a DAIKIN FTXM35R2V1B which has a built-in WiFi card without a local API.
Do you think your creation would work with this integration?..:

sadly no, my code is integrated with MQTT HVAC, nothing daikin specific

Thanks alot for your work MassiPi! Thatā€™s really generous of you! Iā€™ll see if can do this myself, even though there are some deal breakers for me, as missing the powerful/econo modes and comfort airflow. But weā€™ll see. Thank you alot, really mean it.

Sadly my unit does not support the control on those (even if i can control them with the remote), but you can implement the code, some units work with D6 and D7 commandsā€¦

Hey together,
is it possible to connect Emura (Daikin) to Home Assistant via some online service or is it completly not working (without any hacks etc.) on HA? From other comments itā€™s not so clear for me to understand it :smiley:

Thank you for your answers :slight_smile:

Hi, do you know if there have been any updates concerning Daikin opening their API?

There was a firmware update, 1.25.0, which finally disabled the APs. Previously they were just hidden. I tried to check for local api connectivity but so far nothing.

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And with this update, the custom integration still works for you as before?

Yes, it still works fine.

It depends on a number of factors. For a quick check, try to use the official HA Daikin Integration. If it works youā€™re set. If it doesnā€™t, means that youā€™ll have to try different alternatives. The custom cloud integration in GitHub - rospogrigio/daikin_residential: Cloud control of Daikin devices that are supported by Daikin Residential Controller app. seems to work fine for the most current wifi adapters. Give it a shot.