Daily Utility meter suddenly stops to reset at midnight

Hello boys, I have looked in github and here in the forum but there nothing seems to fit my current situation.
Here the history:

As you can see the utility meter with daily cycle correctly got reset untill Dec 7th then it continue to accumulate values without resetting.

Looking into attributes I can see that the sensor itself knows that the last reset was on Dec 5

Why the behaviour has changed?
Is there any breaking change that I miss?

Thank you

And girls, and others. We are a diverse lot please do not limit your available help like that it is quite insulting.


And here: Utility Meter no longer resetting correctly in 2024.12

You are the second person I’ve seen report this. It continues to work for everyone else.

Can you post a screenshot of the history graph for the source sensor the utility meter is using, covering the same time range as the one you show above?

Also a close-up around one of the midnight reset failures for the sources sensor.

Thank you Tom for pointing that out. As menioned in the issue the problem seems to be a “reload” around midnight. Just like the other user I also have icloud3 installled. Not sure if this is the root cause but for the moment I have deleted it.

Let’s monitoring next days… and I will let you know.

Just to close the issue here, the problem was the core dump around midnight. After uninstalling iCloud3 everything is working fine.

Thanks all (boys, girls and every human kind) for the support :heart:

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