"Dark" theme, or "night" mode/theme

Hi can you share to us how you make the view tabs to be on icon?

for each view in your groups

default view:
  view: yes
  icon: mdi:home    ##### add this line here for icons

add the

icon: mdi:icon of your choice


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Thank you so much.

Thank you all, I like the themes - especially the dark ones :slight_smile:
You can also change the themes automatically based on the sunset/sunrise - I have the following automations that randomly picks darker themes at sunset and lighter themes for day time.


  - alias: Automatic Theme Change
      - platform: homeassistant
        event: start
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sun.sun
      - service_template: frontend.set_theme
          name: >
            {% if states.sun.sun.state == "above_horizon" %}
              {{ ["light_beach", "light_green", "light_pink", "default"] | random  }}
            {% else %}
              {{ ["dark_cyan", "dark_red", "dark_orange", "dark_cyan"] | random  }}
            {% endif %}

Yes, I am on 0.51.2 and it shows accurately. I did have to clear my cache before it showed correctly.

Okay Thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for sharing so nice themes. Really.
How can I bring the theme selection tool from configuration/general to a tab of my choice?

How did you get the “card” headline to be Thémes? For me I get the headline “Input Select”. The smaller headline just above the selected theme it appears possible to change the text with

        name: Pick a theme

But I can’t figute out how to change the top text in the card. I looked in the doc for Input Select but didn’t find anything useful.

I’m running 0.54 in hass.io

Try putting quotes around the name: name: "Pick a theme"

Please use https://community.home-assistant.io/c/projects/themes to share your themes.

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