I’ve tried standard graph history cards, custom plotly cards, apexcharts – all trying to find any way to create a history graph card with a Y-axis origin of 0 and I can’t get it to work. All Y-axes want to self detemine. Anyone get something like this to work?
Standard history-graph & statistics-graph cards sets a lower bound for Y-axis dependently on displayed data.
For them workarounds are needed (like this one).
Custom cards may have an option to set a lower bound manually.
For instance, mini-graph-card have a “lower_bound” option, check docs.
How to set a 0 lower bound for Y-axis in history-graph:
Assume we have two “humidity” values:
- type: history-graph
- sensor.home_openweathermap_humidity
- sensor.home_gismeteo_humidity
hours_to_show: 2
Create a zero sensor with same UoM:
- sensor:
- name:zero_value_humidity
unit_of_measurement: "%"
state: 0
Add this sensor on the graph:
- type: history-graph
- sensor.home_openweathermap_humidity
- sensor.home_gismeteo_humidity
- sensor.zero_value_humidity
hours_to_show: 2
Now hide a legend for this zero sensor & make it’s line transparent:
- type: history-graph
- sensor.home_openweathermap_humidity
- sensor.home_gismeteo_humidity
- sensor.zero_value_humidity
hours_to_show: 2
state-history-charts $ state-history-chart-line $ ha-chart-base $: |
.chart-legend li:nth-child(n+3) {
display: none;
.: |
ha-card {
--graph-color-3: transparent;
If only one humidity graph is displayed, the whole legend may be hidden:
- type: history-graph
- sensor.home_openweathermap_humidity
- sensor.zero_value_humidity
hours_to_show: 2
state-history-charts $ state-history-chart-line $ ha-chart-base $: |
.chart-legend {
display: none;
.: |
ha-card {
--graph-color-2: transparent;
Well, this way may have a glitch - a hidden line may be selected:
Just avoid selecting it in that way.
Warning: this mod is not needed since 2024.2 (PR)
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