Dashboard: Sonos card

like this? i have several radio favorites, but nothing shows up in the card.

Yes, like that, but it’s strange you cannot see in the media browser… did you add media_source: to your configuration.yaml?

no i did not. do not see that requirement documented anywhere. details?

thanks, but that doc is very non-specific and certainly does not say anything about sonos. in reading the github page for the sonos card there i no mention of this. same for the docs on the sonos integration. what specifically do i need to put into the “media_source:” section for sonos?

You need only to add media_source to configuration.yaml and restart. Then you’ll be able to see and browse your media on every media_player you have installed in your HA, included sonos. Follow the docs about Media Source.

adding that does nothing. no joy at all.

Do you see this in one of your media players?

Schermata 2023-04-06 alle 19.25.03

This is in italian language, but in english you’ll see “Browse media” or something similar…

For sonos i have this:

Schermata 2023-04-06 alle 19.29.19

And this if i click on favorites:

Schermata 2023-04-06 alle 19.32.08

sonos is the only media player. i do see this in the media browser, but clicking on the sonos icon doesn’t show anything.

It means you have still no favorites. Maybe Radio stations are not included in the favorites.
Try to add some playlist or album or artists…

ok, thanks got this figured out. radio stations can be added to “my sonos” but the option is buried deep into a submenu option. the sonos app is really not well designed at all.

although some of the radio stations icons show as blank in the card

Ok, glad you figured out… have a nice day…

Love the card - it’s awesome on my wall mounted tablet. Thanks for the time and effort you put into maintaining it.

Is it possible to reduce the size of the player section? The controls are pretty small on my tablet. Ideally I would like the artwork to be a quarter of the size and the controls (icons for play etc) to be much bigger. Is that possible?

Excuse my crude example - but something like this?

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is it possible to add play button to media selection, Spotify “Tracks” or “Top Tracks”? It is missing for these two sections. I understand there are songs from different albums, but it really upsets me. Or is it possible to play all my favorite songs one after another? Maybe im just overseeing something :smiley:

Thank You, have a nice day.


How do you get the playback controls in the center of the artwork like that?

Yeah, would be nice. But don’t see how to do that. I simply use what is returned from the Home Assistant API. It returns “can_play” for folders that can be played. The two you mention doesn’t have that I am afraid.

I honestly don’t recall. I’m thinking that might have been the default location of the controls for the very first version of the card. Is that accurate, @PunxsutawneyPhil ?

Yeah, might be. If you don’t want them there, just upgrade :slight_smile:

I started with the Sonos Card today but i have a problem with the media browser.
Could you tell me how i can add my favorites there? The list is completely empty and i don´t know how to add my playlists.

Thank you in advance