DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection
Source: custom_components/dwains_dashboard/__init__.py:135
Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 21:39:37 (17 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:53:53

[139630880528224] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error)
[139630878570336] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error)
[139630952753712] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error)
[139630876874304] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error)
[139630877656448] Error handling message: Unknown error (unknown_error)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/websocket_api/connection.py", line 107, in async_handle
    handler(self.hass, self, schema(msg))
  File "/config/custom_components/dwains_dashboard/__init__.py", line 135, in websocket_get_configuration
    for fname in os.listdir(hass.config.path("dwains-dashboard/configs/cards/devices/"+subdir)):
NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/config/dwains-dashboard/configs/cards/devices/.DS_Store'

@dwains I got everything set up and I am so happy with how everything turned out. Thank you for automating in a logical way the implementation of the dashboard within home assistant. So I’m not sure if this is a reasonable place for a request or not but I figure I will throw this one out there to ask if it is possible or has already been thought about for the future. Would it be possible at some point to add a feature that allows the sorting of the different area subsections that have been created automatically by your dashboard. I was on the devices page and couldn’t really find any rhyme or reason to the order of the areas on the right side of the screen. I was looking for aphabetical etc. and never really saw any logic and then I was thinking, it would be nice, in general, if they could be put in any order that the end user wanted-- or if this is a no go-- at least in aphabetical order. Thank you for all of the hard work you have put into this!!

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by deleting this hidden file everything is restarted …

in all the rooms I have sensors with the temperature “Temperatura camera”. Why don’t they always appear on the left in rectangles?


In 3.1b7 @dwains made it that the sequence of the devices tiles in the devices tab, also depicts the sequence of the sections under the area’s when selected “sort by”. :blush::+1:t2:

Ahhh. I appreciate this response @Mobiledude I understand and thank you again!!

Are they Tuya sensors? They sometimes lack the proper device class

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Hello all,

Does anyone know if there is a way to get the clock on Dwain’s Dashboard to be a 12 hr AM/PM clock rather than 24 hour?

Additionally, @dwains, and you may already have incorporated this on a beta version of your dashboard, but is there anyway to get the automations that I have assigned to a room come in under a sub group of automations like the others do in “binary sensor”, “sensor”, “light”, etc.?

Maybe the second one or both are feature requests. On the second one, for the ones that associate their automations to rooms like myself, this would add a bit more polish than “unknown”.

Thank you all again for any responses/ thoughts/ solutions!!

What are that on the right side, scripts or automations?

automations. From HACS on installation I chose stable version 3.0. That is the latest version showing for me to select when installing the dashboard.

Hey Dwain,
is the a way to get to the code editor some how or do we have to do manual input. As I try to setup mini media player and will need to use the editor to get Settings like Tap actions, TTS, hiding UI elements, idle view, speaker groups and shortcuts. thanks for your worke keep it up thanks

You can make the card in yaml in the ui. Select YAML card.

right here?

Manual yes

Yes it worked, can I asked do you know once added in manual you can not go back to manual mode to edit the manual card. Pic is me add and manual with TTS then once add can not edit. sorry if you already know this.

Is there a way to limit the size of a lovelace card in a more page? I want to add my vacuum card as a more page but the map takes up the entire screen and it’s difficult to scroll down to the controls without scrolling the map instead.

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I am trying to do the same thing. Displays properly on mobile but not on larger screens. Is there any way to set a max width on the more pages?

I was able to hack this together by using a horizontal stack card with two empty grid cards on either side of the vacuum card. It’s too small to be usable on mobile, but works well on tablet and larger screens, which is what I need it for.

You could use Dwain’s Flexbox card.

type: custom:dwains-flexbox-card
items_classes: col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-3 col-lg-3
  - ...
  - ...
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@dwains Hello, could anyone here tell me why the below is happening? For some reason, my instance of home assistant is trying to get me to install v2.0.7 as an update to v3.0.0? Are any others having this issue. I plan on ignoring it but wander if when we get a stable 3.1 build if whatever is going on will keep me from being able to upgrade to it. Below is a picture of this situation.