DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0


I had to move from my low power Atom to a higher power i3-10105 and now it’s acceptable. Definitely not fast, but acceptable.

We’d all really appreciate you allocating some time to optimising the code.

What css styling code do I have to use on a card in combination with card_mod to get the same fontsize and styling like “Favorites” and “Areas”?


If it is not too much work, would it be possible for you to make the 2 improvements below to one of your upcoming dashboard revision releases?

1.) Clock display tied to Home Assistant display setting (or just a check box to change it over to a 12 hour am/ pm clock)-- I currently have my HA time set to auto which matches my system time but in the Dwains Dashboard, it is still showing the 24 hour clock
Screenshot 1 below

2.) A script grouping rather than showing “unknown” (It looks like you fixed this for “automations” entity type in a previous release)
Screenshot 2 below

Thank you so much if so and if not, I completely understand.

Hey @chrispazz did you find any solution to this? I am having also on my computer only 3 columns instead of 4. And in the same tablet as you, the screen is not divided in two sections.

Perfomance defenitely is not so good, I have migrate my HA to a VDO with 6 GB and 2 CPU´s and after 30 minutios performance is going down and it´s impossible to continues working with HA.

Definitely, this dashboard in the V3 is the best dashboard i ever saw, but I will use it again when performance issues will be solved.

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DO NOT UPGRADE to the latest HA version HA 2022.7.0. it breaks Dwains dashboard!!

this is what happened to me after upgrading to 2022.7.0

Myne is still running after update

Same here, problems after upgrading do 2022.7,
And it seems to affect my lovelace_gen dashboards as well.

If you don’t have a lot of custom settings in DD you can try to remove the directory
/config/dwains_dashboard (save it somewhere else before) and you can still use it. But since the directory is created again by saving any new setting it stop working.
It works for me, it could perhaps help awaiting the correction of the bug.


Can someone here remind me. Do the Grid and Stack Cards (vertical and horizontal) not work with dwains? When creating a new card, any selection of those, never allows me to hit the “+” button.

I believe in the past I have created these with the manual code option.

A second issue is now when I go in to try and edit an existing dwains page (one that was created with the manual code option because it used grid card, vertical stack, or horizontal stack). It will not allow me to see the code for the whole page, only the code for each individual section.----> in my instance, I am wanting to add additional sections to this dwains page. Is the only way to do this is to recreate the whole page again?

Currently the Dashboard is broke. Has been since the release of 2022.7. You can keep an eye on the issue here but so far is hasn’t looked like this is a priority for him so who knows how long it’ll be broke.

Anyone effected should post here so that he can gauge how many people are really affected.


He has more than 3k users. So all the people that are also took the jump to the July release of HA I guess

Yea I would think it a higher priority seeing as he’s making money from it. We all have lives but without proper maintenance this dashboard won’t last. Maybe someone will do a fork off the repo and maintain it that way. I really need to learn python or I’d do it myself. I know where the problem is in the code from the error logs, just not how to fix it. But more and more people are starting to hit that ticket with notes and the more people who upgrade are going to get their dashboard hosed. Luckily I was able to just roll back to the last core backup and everything came back. But without the newer version of python a lot of other addons that have been updated are starting to fail like Music Assistant

I found a workaround to the issue.

That was not my point tbh. Just pointing out @dwains is aware of how many people might face issues. He is working on the issue, but it seems a though one to fix. just wait.

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I will try to release 3.2 this week. For all the sponsored people I posted a test version on the sponsor channel on my Discord. Please try it and see if it fix the bug. Then I can release it to the public.


Top Dwain!

Awesome thanks D-man!

Thank mate