DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Can anybody explain how i can do this in YAML or is any other way to do this?

I can confirm this. it has become slower those past few weeks and it has random pops,( the screen reloads alone.)

Been trying to figure out if something I added caused it but it seems more people are having that issue.

No I don’t have lovelace_gen installed. Should I?

And I joined the discord, thank you

Just discovered HA and Dwains Dashboard was just what I was after. I wanted to make some simple changes which I’m assuming would need to be made in YAML. I have my HVAC system working but would like to show the current temperature on the Room Area card. I have the code {{ state_attr(‘climate.master_bedroom’, ‘current_temperature’) }} °c bit not sure where to place it. In addition I would like to have the colour of the icon fans change when on (like lights do) and also have the icon spin. Are these things possible and if someone could point me off in right direction I’m more than happy to fiddle away.

I would also be keen to know about the changing icons when running

For the room temperature, you must add the sensor you created in the area in HA, it will be automatically added to your area in the Dwains dashboard. It will appear on the area tile. Your new sensor should set the device_class to temperature. For icon color, you can’t do anything because it’s hard coded.

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climate.living_room is the HVAC name for one of the rooms. I can see the following but unclear how to make the temperature a sensor? I can add {{ state_attr(‘climate.master_bedroom’, ‘current_temperature’) }} °c to Secondary Information on a default HA card and can see the temperature.

You add the following code to the sensor.yaml file. Restart HA, a new sensor will be created with name “sensor.hvac_living_room_temperature”, you add it to your room in HA.

  - platform: template
        unique_id: "hvac_living_room_temperature"
        friendly_name: "HVAC living room Temperature "
        icon_template: mdi:thermometer
        device_class: temperature
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.living_room','current_temperature') }}"

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That’s awesome! Thanks so much ValMarDav

Ok, I didn’t appear to have a sensors.yaml so i created one in /config and restarted HA. When i add a sensor card the hvac entry does not exist? I also tried sensor.yaml and removing from /config and adding to /config/dwains-dashboard/configs

You need to add this line “sensor: !include sensors.yaml” in the configuration.yaml file for it to be read on reboot.

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That did the trick :slight_smile:

Thank you so much for walking me through all the steps, it’s great to see the yaml logic.

Hi I was wondering is it possible to replace the status bar with my Doorbell camera picture at a glance card? Also I have an AC Unit that covers my entire ground floor however it appears I can only add it to one area meaning only one out of the 4 areas downstairs displays the current temperature is it possible to associate it to multiple areas or update the area groups to use the same sensor?

Sure, use templates to create another sensor that you can assign to the other areas. You can do this as many times as you need/like.

  - sensor:
      - name: "Living Room Humidity"
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
        device_class: humidity
        unique_id: livingroomhumidity
        state: >-
          {{ states('sensor.indoor_humidity') }}

Here I’m saying my living room humidity is equal to the indoor humidity value of my weather station.

Edit: apologies I am on mobile and having a hard time formatting the code block… Hope you can figure out the yaml from what’s here. The important bits are correct, just indentations are wrong.

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I’ve created a cover group and was wanting to have the button appear below greeting alongside lights group and people. Is this possible?

Is it possible to add custom cards as favorites, in DD3?

What you can do is create an Input Boolean to Dummy, add the input boolean to an area, add your custom card as a popup card and add the input boolean to favorites.

Is it compatible with HASSWP project?
I’m trying to use on it, but the dashboard says “unknow error”.

What is HASSWP?

Hi guys, so have we found a way of replacing the profile card with a card of our choosing? I would like to have this replaced with a live stream of our doorbell video if possible :slightly_smiling_face: