DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Does anyone know how I can speed up the initial loading of the dashboard?
After starting the HA Companion app it takes 5-6 seconds before the screen get rendered.
HA is running on a i7 laptop and my phone is a Samsung S20.

But aside the loading time, this by far the best dashboard I’ve seen!

I just installed your very nice dashboard, but I got an annoying top-padding of 60px that is taking significant space on the dashboard.
Does anybody know how to get rid of this top-padding?
Thank you!

no answers?

Got no answer too. Either here nor on Github.

On which question?

4 and 5 Posts above

Even on my FR to make Language indepent from HA

How to get rid of the annoying top-padding of 60px that is taking significant space on your dashboard.

Not sure what happened, but suddenly I’m getting the error:

Custom element doesn’t exist: homepage-card.
Type: custom:homepage-card

I’ve tried re-installing and clearing all my browser cache. Any other ideas for me please?

Try latest beta 3.5.0

Home Assistant 2023.9.3 works with v3.4.3

EDIT: Works ok on iPad and iPhone but problematic on Windows 10. The v3.5.0 beta made matters worse on Windows 10 and I couldn’t access the side menu.

Have reverted back to v3.4.3 and downgraded HA Core again.

This might be a dumb question, but is there a way to rename the dashboard in the menu of home assistant from Dwains dashboard to something else?

You can set the name that via settings - devices and services - integrations - Dwains Dashboard - configure.

heya - how can I add a full color icon to notifications? something like this chap did:

I didn’t got a lot of time for Dwains Dashboard last months, sorry for that. Most of you using Dwains Dashboard now know that Home Assistant is my passion project. But did you know that a few years ago, I developed the WaterMeterKit for Home Assistant? More and more people were asking for different Home Assistant products, even on my HA Discord server. So, I decided to create SmartHomeShop.io

In addition to the new WaterMeterKit v2.0, I’ve also created the P1MeterKit and Water + P1MeterKit, which not only measure water and energy usage but can also work via Ethernet with PoE. Recently, I launched the WaterFlowKit, allowing you to monitor water usage and temperature per tap in your home.

And that’s not all! This week, I’m introducing the UltimateSensor. After over a year of development, this all-in-one sensor measures real-time CO2 levels, humidity, temperature, light intensity, volatile organic compounds (VOC), motion using PIR and mmWave sensors, and particulate matter levels. It integrates with Ethernet and optional PoE for Home Assistant and ESPHome. :house_with_garden::bulb:

I should mention that the water meter is more focused on the Dutch market, but the UltimateSensor will be available worldwide. :blush:

By purchasing these products, you’re supporting my work.
The revenue generated from SmartHomeShop.io allows me to allocate more time to Home Assistant projects and focus on the development of Dwains Dashboard V4.0, a fully rewritten dashboard from scratch.


New into HA - greetings from Belgium. Newbee question: is it possible to create different views in DD? I can’t get it to work. Thx.

Trying my luck in this forum, since there is little activity and responses at the discord sponsored thread :thinking:

I’m running latest beta 3.5.0, but still having a hard time to be able to edit my cards and more-pages :confused: It’s been like this for a while, behaving the same thoughout latest releases.

I’m running ubuntu 22.04 OS, and docker container for HA. Docker HA image: 2023.10.1

As the screendump shows, when trying to edit cards its just continous loading :confused:
Would really like to make this work, because now my dashboard is kinda locked :see_no_evil:
Any suggestions would be truly appreciated :pray:

Found the solution! A bad blueprint caused this :see_no_evil:

Tapping on the Install Blueprint button does not work

Just opened an Issue on github but was wondering if anyone is experiencing the same issue? Currently on the latest release of Dwains Dashboard (V3.4.3) and the latest version of Home Assistant (2023.10.3) and I am unable to install blueprints. I’ve tried in both a chrome browser and firefox. I’ve tried clearing the cache (ctrl-F5) in chrome and restarting the HA server. This was a fresh install of Dwains Dashboard and this issue occured straight out of the box. I’ve taken a screenshot of the chrome console log showing the error that’s occuring. If there’s anymore informaiton I can provide, please let me know.

Lastly, I’ve read elsewhere that I can manually install the blueprints by navigating to /config/dwains-dashboard/configs/blueprints however the /blueprints directory isn’t there for me. Do I need to create it myself or is that pointing to one of the issues? If I just need to create the folder, what do I need to do then? Do I create a seperate yaml file for each blueprint? is there a naming convention? how do I get DD to recognise it/import it?

Thanks for all the help!

Hello can anyone help me ? i’ve this message on dwain dashboard after installation ?

Thank you

Try Ctrl-F5 (if on chrome) to clean your browser cache. On the latest version of Dwains Dashboard (v3.4.3 and even the beta v3.5.0) this seems to be an ongoing issue with many reporting the same experience. It seems particularly bad on Andoid phones. At this stage, your options are limited. But you could always try rolling back to an older version (keep trying until you find one that works) or just don’t use DD until it’s fixed :stuck_out_tongue: