DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Awesome :slight_smile:

Hi, big fan of the dashboard and I start to like it more and more everyday! I still would have few question. Is it possible to add “device” category to this e.g co2 and humidity?

Second question is that how is sensor / entites begind added to “House data - all sensor” and can I influence to those because my “all sensors” are pretty weird?

Lastly is that can I add several lights to one room that I can control separately? I know that I can group them to one but I really would want to control them separately. Now I had to make two different rooms for them.


You need to create a normal group, not an light group. With a normal group you can control all lights individual inside a room.

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For now not, but there is an open PR for this, maybe I merge it in an upcoming release.

You only can tweak the translation file if you really want to change the text “All sensors” but after an update the original text will be replaced.

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Just installed your dashboard with loading the custom config files… First setup is looking good but now im getting an error

while scanning for the next token found character ‘%’ that cannot start any token in “/config/custom_components/dwains_dashboard/lovelace/plugins/dwains_dashboard.yaml”, line 8, column 2

At first the dashboard was loading fine!

Then you made an mistake in a config file.

did not edit anything yet?? only clicked around in the dashboard
if i check the file the error is talking about i get this?

i am using lovelace dashboard is this the issue? just reinstalled everything and it’s working till i reboot my ha any workaround for lovelace?

Do you use lovelace_gen? Then you need to remove it.

Hello, are others till having issues getting the calendar addon to work? I can’t seem to get it functioning. I’ve also tried my own custom home information addon without success.

     - name: Custom #This is an example addon see: https://github.com/dwainscheeren/dwains-dashboard-addons/tree/for-1.0/house_information/calendar
       icon: mdi:calendar
       path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/house_information/custom/page.yaml'

I also can’t get the interior temperature to work in global for some reason so help would be appreciated there as well.

   inside_temperature: sensor.hallway_temperature #Can be 'climate.' or an 'sensor.' entity.

Loving the dashboard @dwains!


Edit: I’m running DD 2.0.3

thanks its working now!

Do you get an error or?

Should I be looking in the HA log or does DD have its own log? I find nothing of use in the HA logs.


Hi @dwains

I have just uploaded Hass 2021.12.0 and HAOS 7.0 and when I used it on the HA iOS app the whole dashboard is blank except the menu at the bottom. If I do a iOS refresh it’s still blank but if I go into the services tab and call “dwains dashboard: refresh” it loads the dashboard but with no colour. This is happening on the iPad app as well. I have your version 2.0.4 installed.

Any help or should I go back to HA 2021.11.4 where it worked fine?


Same here :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yeah, again they changed something in 2021.12 which breaks my dashboard. It’s nothing mentioned in the changelog of 2021.12 so i’m back in the dark searching the issue. Already spend a whole day on it, yesterday I thought I fixed it but its half fixed and some users still got problems. So as we speak i’m working on a fix but I can’t say it will be fixed in 1 hour or 20 hours more work.

So for users who are using Dwains Dashboard please keep on 2021.11 and wait for an update of DD.


I would like to do this also so it would be like the new areas cards.


I fixed the issue :smiley: :smiley: So there will be a new version of Dwains Dashboard coming soon, I think in the next 2-3 days. This new version works with 2021.12. So please have some patience for the new dd version.


Hey, can someone tell me how to get the icons centered in the bottom bar?

v2.0.5 - HA 2021.12 compatibility and bug fixes (Release v2.0.5 - HA 2021.12 compatibility and bug fixes · dwainscheeren/dwains-lovelace-dashboard · GitHub)

If you get an error after updating please make 1000% sure you cleared your cache!

How to install 2.0.5 fresh (if you are new):

How to update to 2.0.5 manual:

  1. Download version 2.0.5 and unzip the file.
  2. Inside this folder you will see a folder called custom_components copy this folder.
  3. Go to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation. This is the folder where you config is. (Hint: its the folder where for example the files ui-lovelace.yaml and configuration.yaml are located).
  4. Paste the custom_components to the main folder of your Home Assistant installation and overwrite all existing files!
    5. Reboot your Home Assistant
    6. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  5. You are done!

How to update to 2.0.5. thought HACS:

  1. Open HACS
  2. Go to Dwains Dashboard and click update
  3. Reboot your Home Assistant
  4. Clear your browser cache on all devices
  5. You are done!

If you are running older version then 2.0.0:
First upgrade to 2.0.0 and then to 2.0.5. To upgrade to 2.0.0 follow this upgrade guide: Dwains Lovelace Dashboard | An auto generating Home Assistant Lovelace UI dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile by Dwains for desktop, tablet, mobile

Please consider a donation :+1:


  • Made DD compatible with HA 2021.12
  • Fixed issue with theme colors not always loading for some people.