DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0


thanks a lot for your work.
I did the update and now have problems with the page layout (see picture attached)
Everything is compressed in single column with a lot of space next to it.

Do you have any idea what could cause this problem? Thank you!

Yeah new issue will be patched in 2.0.6, for now do this:

items_classes: 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-12'


- type: custom:dwains-flexbox-card

in rooms/room/addon.yaml and 04.more_page_addons.yaml

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I just made a new FAQ :slight_smile: Dwains Lovelace Dashboard | An auto generating Home Assistant Lovelace UI dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile by Dwains for desktop, tablet, mobile


Is this needed to do on a new DD install as well?

Yes or wait till new release :slight_smile: its only a small style issue on addons.

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Hah, I just came here to say I couldn’t find the dashboard in HACS and figured there had to be a custom repository. Thanks!

I need some help to figure what I’m doing wrong in the addon creation.

Addon include:

      - name: notifications
        path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/audio_notifications/page.yaml'
        button_path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/audio_notifications/button.yaml'
          entity: media_player.hugo_speaker
            - Dormir
            - Comer

Page difinition (begining):

- type: custom:dwains-flexbox-card
  items_classes: 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-6'
  {% for messages in (data | fromjson)['messages'] %}
    - type: custom:dwains-flexbox-card
      items_classes: 'col-xs-12 col-sm-12 col-sm-12'
      padding: true


while scanning for the next token found character '%' that cannot start any token in "/config/dwains-dashboard/addons/rooms/audio_notifications/page.yaml", line 5, column 4

This seems to be almost equal to other addons, but I just dont get the error while parsing the template… Its in the for loop… but why?

Make sure you add # dwains_dashboard to the page.yaml file as first line :slight_smile:

thanks! I didnt had any header…

I dont have header, so just add to page.yaml ?

Thanks a lot!

Hi All,

New to the community, been building up my HA config last few months. Settling for Dwains Dashboard but have a curious question about the sidebar icon.

Can this be renamed?


Thank you

Yeah go to the integrations and click “configure” on the Dwains Dashboard integration. There you can set a Name

Thank you! It seems I needed to reboot HA before it took effect. Had a pending update, applied that rebooted, all good now.

Thank you.

Hi, after updating to 2.0.5, seems that most of more pages are not scaling right in desktops browser. Home and light pages are fine though. Same scaling issues on my wall mouthed tabled and on my phone all content are not fitted in to my screen.

All of the three more pages are from comminity github and worked fine before update.

is this DD issue or more rated to content what are inside of more pages? Same issue that @tdon is having?

I’m having some issues with adding a calendar. Heres what i have


- type: custom:dwains-heading-card
  title: {{ name }}
- type: custom:atomic-calendar-revive
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border-radius: 5px;
      background-color: var(--dwains-theme-primary);
    .cal-titleContainer {
      display: none;
  showProgressBar: false
  eventBarColor: 'var(--dwains-theme-grey)'
  dayWrapperLineColor: 'var(--dwains-theme-grey)'
  timeColor: 'var(--dwains-theme-grey)'
    {{ (data | fromjson)['calendars'] }}

Then I have this


    - name: Calendar 
      icon: mdi:calendar
      path: 'dwains-dashboard/addons/house_information/calendar/page.yaml'
          - calendar.radarr_schedule
          - calendar.sonarr_schedule
          - calendar.ufc_schedule

But the dashboard gives me the error

while parsing a flow mapping in “/config/dwains-dashboard/addons/house_information/calendar/page.yaml”, line 17, column 6 expected ‘,’ or ‘}’, but got ‘[’ in “/config/dwains-dashboard/addons/house_information/calendar/page.yaml”, line 17, column 25

EDIT: Found the answer by scrolling up a bit. Had to add # dwains_dashboard to the beginning of each addon

I just updated to 2.0.6 and so far all looks good, now I’m going to upgrade HA to 2021.12.3 :slight_smile:
And also thanks for the Slovak language :slight_smile:

I was little lost with the manual fix, but I was able to locate the files, it just took few minutes longer. If anyone would be struggling with this too this is the full path:

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Add # dwains_dashboard to the first line

Good news :partying_face: Dwains Dashboard is now HACS default integration. So 1 click install from HACS it self without adding it yourself to HACS :slight_smile: