DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Hi, thanks for this amazing theme! I have something weird at the bottom of the screen. Can i get the buttons a little bit higher?

After upgrading to DD version 2.0.5 the whole theme color is white on all my devices. Cache is cleared from browser:

My default theme is Dark.

Anyone have an idea?

Set theme of your user to backend.

This does not work. Still white icons.

I had the same issue, using “default” theme fixed it for me. I was using a custom theme.



First of all, I would like to thanks Dwains for the great job done here!

For an unknown reason I can’t use the Dashboard thru Android mobile app, see the screenshot attached

Screenshot_20211220-230640_Home Assistant|225x500

I use last HA latest version 2021.12.3, with Android app latest update (20th dec). The android update is not in cause as it wasn’t with previous version :wink:!

is it a known issue or there is a way to fix it?
thanks for your feedback :pray:

I am facing the same issue.
In the Android app update release log, it was pointed out that UI rendering was updated.

Edit : i tried with another dashboard and i get the same issue. It might be from some custom card.

Thx, this worked for me.
I think the custom themes need some changes to get it back working.

I update to HA 2021.12.4 and now I can get back in the dashboard.

1 Like

@BernieV, same for me, last update did the trick! I now can use DD with Android APP :wink:

Does anyone know how I could make a shortcut button that when tapped it pulls up the pop-up thermostat card?

As of right now I’ve got the pop-up card working but I have to navigate to the thermostat card and click the 3-dots in the upper right corner. I want to add a button with a temperature indicator that always appears in the global top bar and when pressed it’ll bring up the pop-up thermostat card. My reasoning behind this is that it takes 2 clicks before I even see the thermostat card. Just want to get to changing the temperature faster when we become thermally frustrated.

FYI I used this post to configure my current pop-up card.

Any help would be much appreciated

Still the best Dashboard for HA.

I got two problems. First, when selected the community themes ‘dwains_dark_theme’ or ’ dwains_light_theme’ all icons are white (since last update) instead of blue.
Second, how can I center the icons in the bottom bar and set the menu icon as the last one?

Greetings and a merry christmas

Where do you use Dwains Dashboard most of the time?

  • Mobile
  • Tablet
  • Desktop

0 voters

@dwains Have you put any additional thought into this?
Here’s my situation that I’m up against:
I have 12 blinds and 4 garage doors.

Anytime the blinds are open (basically from sunrise to sunset) it shows 12 covers open in the header.
If I happen to leave a garage door open, since the header icon is already there I don’t really notice it without clicking into it to check all the covers that are showing open.
If I set the garage doors as a group with the man doors and set them up as “doors” in rooms.yaml, if I open a garage door it doesn’t give the door icon at all in the header, but the man door does give it. I assume this is because of the different in states between a binary_sensor and cover.

I think everybody with both blinds and garage doors are running up against this issue. There’s been a FR on GitHub dating back to Feb 2020. Is there a solution in sight?

EDIT: Small correction… when putting the covers in a group, the Icon for the doors inside the room changes to open. However it still displays “Doors Closed” right beside the open door icon and the open door icon does not show up in the header.

To be honest, i’m not sure I will fix this issues. The garage door as door or cover is an open issue since the start of DD.

The last few months I’m working on a complete new dashboard. As for the last day I’m quite active working on it so I hope soon to release it :slight_smile:


If I understand your problem correctly, you could add your thermostat to favourites and enable showing favourites on the main page.

I’m sure creating a whole new device class is quite a bit of work and understandable not to if you’re moving on with another project. Is it possible to fix the “door closed” bug when a cover is open and set as a door? That may be quite a bit simpler since the icon is detecting it is open, but the rest of the dashboard is not. I believe all it would take would be adding the state “open” when considering if a door is open or closed.

EDIT: I got it working by adding the “open” state to the doors. Works in the header, the homepage and the room page. Sent through a PR.

Can you please add something like Fix /built-in?

Well this is a new one just updated to HA 2021.21.5 and it deleted Dwains Dashboard and the Dwains intergation had a error saying it couldn’t load.

So I had to restore with backups to 2021.12.4 and all was back to normal.

Not sure what im doing wrong here.

Im just setting up the rooms and adding some basic devices.

I have ceiling fans in most rooms that I’ve used script and broadlink rmpro to control.

I have tried to add multiple devices to the “Master Bedroom” room but it just doesnt work.

- name: Master Bedroom
     icon: mdi:bed-king
     device: script.master_light
        - entity: script.master_off
        - entity: script.master_fan_s1
        - entity: script.master_s2
        - entity: script.master_s3

I know the entities bit needs “more _entities” but that puts it into the small icon on the top right. And i want the button when i click on each room.

Question i guess what is the correct format for multiple devices.

If I do the below I get duplicate key error.


Thank you!