DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Dwain, thank you so much for the incredible work you have and continue to do! I had a question regarding the global.yaml. I kept the file as is, and just added my entities and un commented anything I wanted to use,
On my desktop screen, so far, I dont see anything related to my ecobee climate entity that I used for inside temp. I have the weather and alarm, and my person image showing up just fine. Is there any other location or area that needs to be changed to see inside temp on the homepage?


Might have my own answer. Is it because it is shown differently on a desktop view, where on a mobile or tablet it would say, inside and outside temp?

Thanks for the fantastic work @dwains! I have converted all my devices to your dashboard, and it’s been working brilliantly on mobile/desktop/web. There is a Coffee on its way!

I have one question. I use your dashboard on my wall panels. I wondered what the simplest method of adding the time to the main page would be?

You can fix this yourself. I had made many changes to this dashboard in the past. Since im on the road, I’ll just give you an idea how to for now.



All need edits. You will have to allow “cover” in L19, so you’ll add this before the “%}”:

or room["door"].split('.')[0] == 'cover'

Line 22 and 29 you need to add “open”, so you will need to add:
L22 add this before the “)”:

|| states['{{ room["door"] }}'] && states['{{ room["door"] }}'].state == 'open'

L29 add this before the “)”:

 || states[entity] && states[entity].state == 'open'

Then restart. This should get you good to go, but I can’t test on the road and any updates will remove this. The files will be in your custom_components directory.

Good luck :+1:

Your code looks to be pretty much what I did. Put in the PR a few days back as I worked through the issue. But thanks for taking the time to answer, it’s appreciated!

So I spend my whole christmas working on 3.0 :clown_face: For people who are interesting in the progress I post a lot of status updates on the English Discord each day: Home Assistant Addicts Also you can discuss with me and others about 3.0 ideas. 3.0 is fully rewriten dashboard from scratch by myself.

Please consider a donation for 3.0 it will help me a lot to cover the hours of work👍


I just did that today, i created a more page with all the necessary entities and styled it using the premade templates.

I’ve just started messing with “more_pages” I don’t suppose you’d mind sharing your code?

Im curious…
Is it possible to change the names that appear for the lights, devices, etc? Some of my button names, and descriptions are running into each other. In the usual lovelace, in yaml, I just add an entity and - name: Different Name.
Some of my names and labels are long entity and device names, and I was hoping to not have to change them all.

You can use customize.yaml to rename them but it will be for your whole HA. I’m working on a function in 3.0 to only rename things for DD.

Hi Jeroen,

In uw code op github heb ik een error in de button.yaml file:

missed comma between flow collection entries at line 7, column 29:
entity: {{ (data | fromjson)[‘printer’][0].entity }}



Custom button for room add-on: Printer

Created by Jeroen Klompen

Version: 1.0.4

type: custom:button-card
entity: {{ (data | fromjson)[‘printer’][0].entity }}
template: rooms_child
name: {{ name }}
icon: {{ icon|default(‘mdi:printer’) }}
action: navigate
navigation_path: {{ navigation_path }}
label: >
return entity.state;
} else {
return ‘Entity error!’;

Kan jij me hieruit helpen ? Ik kijk me er onnozel op

Thx in advance !



Hai, did u managed to figure out changing the icon colors?

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Hi, I am unable to use this on mobile app without extensive manual modification. I get the red card saying Custom element doesn’t exist: dwains-[card name].js. I force closed the app and cleared it’s cache on androids to no avail.

The only way to get it working on Android was adding every single dwains-dashboard card manually as resource into lovelace, which was more of a hassle than it should be. Also I’m afraid I’ll have to do it manually again on next update which makes this unusable to my technically inept household members.

It worked on all PCs before doing this and without rebooting or clearing cache.

After adding each card and reloading on mobile it pops red card complaining about the next card in alphabetical order not existing until you add all of them.

Any idea why this is happening? I googled around for 2 days and it seems everyone else on the planet just has to clear cache.

edit: I notice many hacs frontend elements and integrations put this info there themselves, couldn’t dwains-dashboard do the same?
like these:

No, couldn’t fix it.

Is it possible to have a scene as a Favorite? Basically I’d love to have a one-touch toggle on the “main” screen that toggled a scene (input_boolean). If I just add teh input_boolean as a favorite it’s a multi-click process (popup window, toggle, return).


How could that be achieved - having the media player show up on the home page (e.g. below the rooms) same as it’s shown on the /dwains-dashboard/devices_media_players#devices page?

I’m totally like looking for the same thing. I wanna a quick press to bring up the thermostat card

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Hey all, Question for anyone that might know.
Im using the Stats addon in the house info page, and Im not really great with changing the data that tells the bar graph what severity of color it should be since Im using Fahrenheit for the CPU temp the bar graph does not show. How and where might I fix the Celsius setting to Fahrenheit?


Did you find any solution ?

I again spend the last days working almost each day on DD 3.0. Its getting a long, and DD 3.0 will be full GUI based! No YAML knowledge required anymore! :smiley:

I also got a lot of requests from people who wanted to do a requiring donation/sponsorship. So I applied for a Github sponsorship and they just approved me :slight_smile:

3$ a month is the minimum. I think that is a fair starting amount to get that high WAF in your house with DwainsDashboard for Home Assistant :laughing: