DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

We are 68% on an official release of DD 3.0 :smiley: Sponsor @dwainscheeren on GitHub Sponsors · GitHub


And here it is! :grinning: The new DD 3.0, designed by Dwains. We are in beta 4. Very impressive.


Chaps. Having some issues with Rooms. I have created a room called cats and I am looking to add all the sensors from the Sure Pet Care integration. I see the room , I see the room has the cat icon but my sensor never shows up. What am I doing wrong?


  • name: cats
    title: “The Cats”
    icon: mdi:cat
    sensor: sensor.pussy_flaps_battery_level

Sensor is not a parameter you can use in a room. Here is the documentation to help you.

Thanks. So whats the point of a room if I am limited to what I can show in there?

With the more_entities parameter you can add anything you want to the room. Lights, sensors, devices….

Thanks. Thats worked but I am not seeing the sensor on the main room page. I am having to click a button top right to see it. It sort of defeats the purpose of having something in a room.

Is this correct? If so Dwains might not be the right Dashboard for me.

You can use page_entities to show entities in the room page. Replace more_entities by page_entities.

      columns: 1 #optional
      show_title: 'false' #optional
        - entity: sensor.name1
        - entity: sensor.name2

Thank you so much. That’s perfect and that’s exactly what I wanted. Plus I have learnt some stuff along the way.

No problem. Dwains is currently working on version 3.0 of the dashboard. Adding entities is done automatically, it will be easier for beginners.

Thank you. Once i start knowing how to do stuff it makes it easier. Not really used Yaml and that’s a learning curve on its own.

One other question.

within a room. Am i able to make a grid and add entities to each square to group stuff together?

Not directly in the room page, but you can add a room addons. It will create a button that will show you a new page that can group whatever you want.

Thanks. I guess using things like type: gauge is in version 3?

Any eta for 3.0?

Not sure yet. The beta is pretty stable and a lot of people are using the beta for now.
I need to look if I made some requested features from the beta group in 3.0 before releasing it or just release 3.0 and make those feature requests afterwards in 3.1 for example.


As I understand it, 3.0 is going to take a similar yet completely different approach to how entities are handled in the rooms. Is there going to be a migration path from 2.X to 3.0 or is it a scrap it all and start from the beginning kind of upgrade?

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I wrote it here Dwains Lovelace Dashboard | An auto generating Home Assistant Lovelace UI dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile by Dwains for desktop, tablet, mobile

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Hi all,

I’ve installed Dwains dashboard successfully, but no matter which yaml file I edit, nothing appears on the dashboard. Yes, I’m editing in config/dwains-dashboard/configs and I’ve also refreshed the dashboard, restarted HA multiple times and cleared cache.
For example if I set up one room with a light, it just keeps on saying “no rooms defined”. Same for any other entity I add. Anyone a clue what’s going in here?

don´t know if that is the problem, but add a space infront of rooms:

Damn, is it that sensitive? I changed it but had to restart HA again and now I see it. Thanks a bunch! Let’s see how this goes from here on.