DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

yup, as far as i know yaml is quite sensitive.


What software do you use to make those videos?


So where do I go or which file do I have to edit to set up notifications up here?

Did you read the docs? Dwains Lovelace Dashboard | An auto generating Home Assistant Lovelace UI dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile by Dwains for desktop, tablet, mobile Sometimes so hard for people to read and search :rofl:

Hi Dwain, thanks for your reply. First of all nice work, your dashboard is really something else :slight_smile:

Gotta say you’re doing an assumption there, cause I did find, read and am still reading your documentation…however it doesn’t state which yaml file you would need to configure to make it work and that’s where I got kinda lost in how to proceed.

Create an automation for it Automating Home Assistant - Home Assistant

An important message from the creator of Dwains Dashboard!

I will release Dwains Dashboard V3 soon. For the people who got DD installed through HACS please don’t click the update button without reading the upgrade guide! Upgrading from v2 to v3 takes some time. So please only do this when you got the time for it. Don’t start complaining about an broken HA setup on me or a mad wife at home :smiley:

Note v3 is fully auto generated based on your HA areas so start putting all your HA devices in areas and v3 will work direct out of the box for you. You no longer need to edit any YAML file in Dwains Dashboard v3!!


I’ve been testing V3.0 since alpha 1 and its incredible. Dwain has put an incredible amount of hard work into this and is a huge credit to the HA community. Thanks for all your hard work @dwains

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No disrespect here @dwains, but the very first line of your documentation states:

Besides the documentation, you can also get support and ask questions on the HA Forum

which is what lead me to this forum. I am trying to find the docs for setting up rooms.yaml, but the first line of that document lists:

# https://dwainscheeren.github.io/dwains-lovelace-dashboard/configuration/rooms.html

Which I expected to be documentation, but that is a 404.

Also, and this is minor, I’m not sure how the original file was created, but it appears to be DOS formatted due to ^M at the end of each line, which I can’t seem to get rid of with the stripped-down version of vi included with HASS.IO but Studio Code Server doesn’t seem to care.

you can find the docs for v2 here: Dwains Lovelace Dashboard | An auto generating Home Assistant Lovelace UI dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile by Dwains for desktop, tablet, mobile

v3 is right around the corner tho, so you might want to wait for it since there is no need to edit any files, it´s all done in gui.

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Well, that sounds like it’s worth the wait. Thanks.

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Yep DD v3 will be release this week. Its already available on my Discord server but I will release it official later this week here and on github + hacs.


Just discovered your great tool in V2 and impatient to try V3 :+1:
Just a little display bug: when you add the integration into HA, the confirmation popup tells you:

Configuration done for . (translated from french).

It looks like integration name is not properly communicated at HA :wink:

Thanks for that great tool :wink:


So I think I’m understanding more on how this works. One more question however:

When I start creating a new automation and instead edit it with yaml, it errors on me with “Message malformed: expected dictionary”. This is what i’m copy/pasting in the automation:

- id: notify_create_garbage_tomorrow_dwains_dashboard
  alias: Notify create garbage tomorrow
  description: 'This automation creates a notification in Dwains dashboard'
  - at: '17:00'
    platform: time
  - condition: state
    entity_id: sensor.afvalinfo_afval_voor_morgen
    state: On
  - data:
      message: You have to put the bins out tomorrow.
      notification_id: garbage
    service: dwains_dashboard.notification_create

What am I doing wrong? Also, will I have the same result if I just copy/paste the above commands in /config/automations.yaml?

Looking forward to try it out! Is the release planned for tomorrow, Sunday as in later this week? :slightly_smiling_face:


I guess it wasn’t. Is there a new plan/delay for the V3 release @dwains ?

I understand that we are all excited for the new version, but it will be released when it’s time, no need to ask for a fixed release date :wink:

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Of course! I just referred to dwains own post a week ago where it was announced that it was already avaliable on Discord and scheduled for release here last week. :slight_smile:

There where some small bugs in the current beta so I’ve made some new beta versions. They are all still available in my discord server. A official 3.0 release is now delayed indeed and I hope to release it this week or later next week.