DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Great work! I’m gonna sign up as a sponsor and help out with the beta testing then :slightly_smiling_face:

Why not post the betas here too ? would get you a lot more audience :wink: (including me too !)

Because I’m developing v3 for almost a year now. On Discord I have a private channel for sponsors only and that are people that are serious with DD. Also if I post beta stuff here I get hundreds of noob questions and that’s nothing I got time for :slight_smile:


Anyone else struggle with graph sizing? I have about 10 pages now and sometimes the format works great on one page and the next page it doesn’t.

Been struggling with this a while and it’s finally gotten to the point where… I must ask for help.

To be honest, how come you guys are not sponsering Dwains yet? I’ve been playing around with DD3.0 for a couple of weeks right now. It is getting better and better and this will shake the HA community. So much convenience, real (re)use of Blueprints makes stuff easy for everyone. Auto generating overviews and even blueprint teamplates for “more pages”. Here’s a sneak preview.


i installed it, but nothing’s on it. i click the “…” but i i get a

“The edit UI is not available when in YAML mode.”

Same here, I installed it via the hacs apart from seeing the repo in the hacs nothing and I have searched everywhere on how to use it. apart from people showing out it looks. been to github but no clear usage instructions. Unfortunately I have to bin it immediately .


well no. Your link is for v2. Looks like there is a lot of great work here, but i bought into the “1 CLICK Install dashboard for DT” assuming this will be configurable via UI and not spend a zillion days in YAML. Which i have done enough and trying to avoid. Creating dashboards should be easy via GUI. I am using mushroom right now and it is great b/c of that.

The reason i am asking the question is because i followed it and they recommend v3 if you are new. i went to the documentation for v3. i get a lof of 404s or empty pages. like this in the main documentation:


Your post then should be “RTFM for v2” … well i wasnt here for v2 time. I am here now, trying to make this work with v3 and make it “auto-generate” and can’t find an easy way to do it. All constructive criticism here. maybe this is not what the title said it is, but the UX is definitely not great. Looks cool, but i dont want to invest in more YAML for this at this point. Is there a GUI based method to this or is it YAML only. If yes, where is the guide to do it?

the other link:


also doesnt reflect what it shows right after installation, none of that appears when i install it.

So yes i RTFM’d for v3 following the guide and while this looks like it has great potential, the documentation is very incomplete, making it hard for the user to adopt it. unless you want to do v2 which is full YAML. So if the title of this is “autogenerate…and one click” it is misleading for sure. Again not complaing, but if the documentation actually existed for v3 then that will be a diffferent story. Take this as user validation.

The start post of this topic is already adjusted for v3 which is not yet official released. So if you download Dwains Dashboard from HACS or Github you get v2. That’s why he linked to the v2 docs. Which can be found here: Dwains Lovelace Dashboard | An auto generating Home Assistant Lovelace UI dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile by Dwains for desktop, tablet, mobile

Yes, I know I said I would release v3 last week but there where some small bugs I needed to fix first before release it official. The v3 beta is now released on my Discord and some people are testing it. I think all bugs are fixed now! So I can say that Dwains Dashboard v3 will be really released official this week (here and on HACS/Github)!! :slight_smile:


You are awesome
Best dashboard for HA

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First time post :yawning_face:

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This is a really insensitive comment.
People like Dwain work on projects like this in their spare time and sponsorship doesn’t come close to compensating him for the extreme effort need to develop a sophisticated dashboard like v2 let alone the rewrite of v3.
It will be released when it is ready.


After months of work I present you all Dwains Dashboard Version 3 :partying_face:

A completely rewritten and redesigned dashboard. And this time… FULLY AUTO GENERATING! :tada: .
For the last months I worked on a complete new dashboard where it is no longer necessary to edit anything in a YAML file to generate the pages/views. But instead immediately presents you with a working dashboard based on all your devices in your Home Assistant setup and your areas. And that fully automatic!

With Dwains Dashboard v3 it is just 1 click install (through HACS), add Dwains Dashboard in your Home Assistant integrations and done… you got a working dashboard.
You can edit all the things you want in the UI. For people that still want to edit everything in YAML files, you still can! DD automatically creates YAML files with the changes you make through the UI. Any changes in the YAML files are automagic recognized and loaded back in to the UI :smiley:

Please enjoy Dwains Dashboard V3 and consider a small donation to me :100: . I specially would thank all my existing sponsors! These people made it possible for me to spend my free time working on Dwains Dashboard :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Note Dwains Dashboard version 3 is no where comparable to version 1 or 2!

How to install 3.0.0 fresh (if you are new)

How to update to 3.0.0 when you are running 2.0.7

Please consider a donation :+1:

New here with Dwains Dashboard?


I will try to make a Youtube video next week about version 3.0. A how to install and how it looks, what it can do and how to configure it. Also take a look here to see what items are on the list for DD 3.1: Version 3.* feature requests · Discussion #456 · dwainscheeren/dwains-lovelace-dashboard · GitHub

Also check out the new Dwains Dashboard Blueprints: GitHub - dwainscheeren/dwains-dashboard-blueprints: Dwains Dashboard Blueprints they replace the DD 2.0 addons.

I hope you all enjoy Dwains Dashboard version 3 it was really a lot of work! :smiley:


Here are some screenshots of Dwains’ great dashboard.

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Wow what a great work :partying_face: Installed it without any problems on two HA instances and it works really nice, congrats :+1:

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With DD3 everything is possible. Use your own or other themes, or even mushroom cards if you want!

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Including custom Pop-up cards!!

Created by Damava here you can find the Dwains Dashboard Blueprint for it. dwains-dashboard-blueprints/card-blueprints/normal-cards/PersonPopUp at main · dwainscheeren/dwains-dashboard-blueprints · GitHub

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Ehy! LOVE the new DD3!!! Awesome work!!!
However I got one question: in DD2 I could insert the various sensors I have (such as the temperature or motion ones) in the configuration of the rooms, so as to show the temperature graphs and the temperature values ​​in the home or to show where the motion was triggered.
In this DD3 how can do it? It can’t detect automatically my sensors… On the page “sensors” or “binary sensors” I have empty… Can I add them in some way?
Even if I click on “edit” button, it doesn’t show me disabled or hidden sensors… it just doesn’t see them!
The strange thing is that it does see other sensors (such as temperature sensor from my Xiaomi Purifier) but it can’t see zigbee sensors (temperature/humidity sensor, motion sensor, etc).
How can I fix it? Thank you!!!

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