DD - Automatic area-based dashboard for desktop, tablet and mobile - V3.7.0

Try that, npr working
Reinstall app ?

If you want for me, please try and let me know

Tried on 2 androids, no good
Same thing on both

And on your computer, what error do you get?

Same, up
On Android tbl. on wall its ok

Butt man, this is awesome
Have to donate you, bravo

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Well this has been a painful learning experience for me.
I thought reloading a backup would downgrade me back to DD2.0, I was wrong.

I’ve been almost 9hrs now trying everything imaginable (short of wiping HA entirely and starting over) to go back to DD2.0 but for the life of me I can’t get it to load. I either get a “Unknown error, reload ui” or a “Custom component doesn’t exist: dwains-dashboard”. I’ve tried all of the 2.0.X versions, installing through HACS, installing manually. Always the same. No amount of clearing cache, deleting browser data, crtl+f5 will bring it back. I’ve even spun up a brand new virtual machine, installed a browser, and same errors.

Anytime I update to DD3 it pops right up and works. So I’ve pretty much given in to the fact at this point that I jumped the gun on the update and I’m stuck on DD3 now. I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of the layout compared to the old one. Even the mobile view with the multiple rows of entities and the spacing caused by some cards being larger than others… not a fan. Edit mode is an absolute nightmare, even with ip ban disabled it’s constantly freezing and soooooooo slow. Constantly having to click “Wait” because it’s frozen. Just getting through the 1st room I’ve had around 10 notifications of login errors, at least 20 “page not responding, wait or exit” errors from the browser, a few HA reboots because it’s completely locked up…

I’m sure once it’s all configured it’ll be fine, but I feel I’ll be at least a month working through this update. Hoping the 3.1 improvements come quick…

So fair warning to all, be 100% sure you’re ready before making the leap to DD3.0. It’s not at all a simple migration and there isn’t an easy way to go back.

Hey, I reverted back by doing this.

  • removed the DD3 integration
  • removed the DD3 from HACS
  • removed the folders on my Raspberry (if the were there still) with all DD3 stuff
  • reboot HA
  • Going to HACS and installed DD2.07 repository
  • reboot HA
  • installed DD2 integration
  • copied my backup folders of DD2 back (overwrite the new existing DD2 files)
  • Clear all cache
  • reboot HA

And it’s back.

@dwains Couldnt make DD3 to be installed in a separate folder, instead of same as with DD2. Then all users could use it parallel for the time being.

For me, DD2 looks much better (layout) then DD3. DD3 looks a bit chunky and not as refined as DD2. Although DD3 gives you a much more easier and flexible way too configure your dashboard. For now I will wait for a DD3.1 or even a DD3.2 version.

Is this issue now sorted with the not loading card on android? :slight_smile:

Yeah this would work yes, almost 100% curtain.

Are you running HA on a decent computer/server?

Sorry, dont understand
Its same

It’s in a VM on a server running dual e5-2690’s processors. I’ve got 8 cores assigned and 24gb of ram.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve done exactly this LOL Always the same result.

No amount of cache clearing resolves it. As I mentioned I even spun up a brand new VM with a fresh OS install, installed a browser, and still getting this message so I know it’s not cache.

I think instead of messing with this anymore I’m just going to setup a new instance of HA and start moving things over. :cry:

So I spun up a new vm and during the setup process went to install from backup. Hopped onto my “broken” HA, started to download the backup file and transfer speed was pretty slow. So I connected through the local IP instead, and when I did that, there was my DD2.0.7 up and running fine. Went back to the domain, same error as above.

So I tried through a local domain I had setup in NGINX, DD2.0.7 up and running just fine so I knew it wasn’t something with my reverse proxy.

Turns out the issue was with cloudflare caching. It’s set to instruct browsers to cache for 4 hours, and no matter how many cache clearing or refreshes I did on the browser side it wouldn’t work. So I purged the cache through Cloudflare (Domain → Caching → Configuration → Purge everything), waited the 30s, pulled my HA instance back up, and there is DD2.0.7 in all of it’s glory!! I’m so relieved right now :smiley:

I’m still looking forward to giving DD3.X a shot once a few of it’s quirks are worked out.

Is there a way to sort the Favorites? I would like to move the entities around like you can in the areas.

Not yet, but it will come in a later 3.* release

Hello, is it possible to display a group of binary.sensor in the badges? So specifically window contacts which shows me the status of the contacts.

Dont know is it a Isuse with DD3, but i keep getting rooms i deleted, i deleted again but they show up again

Maybe using Sonos or Tado? Its a bug in their integration :frowning:

Dont use them

I am running android 10. All works fine here.

Great work!!