deCONZ - Official thread

the latest update to the addon bump deconz to 2.05.81.

There is no automatic updating of the sticks firmware

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Correct, but the firmware on the stick never updates automatically (at least not with the previous versions of the addon).

agree, thats why i specifically asked if firmware or the version displayed

Haha damn. Now I feel really dumb. I thought that the add-on update was there because the stick itself got updated… I rest my case. Lol. Thanks for the clarification tho!

Hey guys, multiple changes to the deCONZ integration merged for 0.116 beta, please try it out to make sure I didn’t break anything.


do ou have a rls log?

From 22nd of September

What steps did you follow to change the channel on the conbee stick in deconz?
All of my attemps have just resulted in a error in the log, something like " the channel is 16 , attempting to change to channel 25".

Would like to get that change done before I deploy more devices…

This night my deconz add-on stopped 3 times in a row… Is this issue under investigation?

My Deconz Addon stopped too! Glad i’m not the only one :confused:
Simply had to start the addon and everything works! But that was the second time this happened after the updates (deconz addon, ha 105. and supervisor) dont know to who its related…

Yeah, it’s every week, strange no one can tell us why

Is there an issue reported on it? Else that’s a good start

Do you have connected the conbee stick via usb3? Because then it won’t work reliable ever.

yes, is open already for a a long time

seems its affects a lot of users, it also happens for the ones affected on same day, even on same timestamp , started happening after the update with the webvnc option update…

the containers just stops after about a week or something like that

Yup, as @pergola.fabio posted, I created the issue report for it back in August.
It seems that it crashes on the same day, around the same time, for all of us. That’s too much of a coincidence for it to be something wrong with just my system.

The only fix so far is the addition of the “watchdog” setting in the supervisor, which will restart any addon that has stopped.
Unfortunately (AFAIK) this provides no notification to the user that their addon has crashed and had to be restarted, and isnt really a resolution to the underlying problem.

That’s why I don’t use watchdog, I have an automation running that starts the container again, with a notification… So I know it was stopped…

I hope someone is indeed investigating this

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I run deCONZ on bare betal installed with apt.
And I have never seen the daemon crash. It must be a problem with the Home Assistant addon.

Me neither , was stable for last 2 year, is happening since 2 updated ago, when webvnc was introduced

Guys, I feel stupid… have no clue what’s up… So, short story; I was so fed up with issues with stability of deconz in ESX VM that I decided to completely migrate my setup to bare metal on Ubuntu. Reasoning was that it was add-on run in docker that runs run within virtual machine… so something might be unstable and bringing gateway closer to application should stabilize environment. Since i’m not Linux guy, it took me some time to install Ubuntu on spare machine, get deconz installed, and configuration restored from backup… Despite my Linux ignorance I must admitt it was relatively simple process… until I started to integrate it into HA. Here the problems started:

  • In principle HA discovered new deconz in network and configured it. Most of things works ‘out of the box’. The biggest headache were sensors that for some reason all got renamed, so fixing this took some time. But manageable.
  • I can’t get neither phoscon or deconz interafce loaded into HA side panel… I’m getting 502 Bad gateway error when trying to load these. I have no clue how to configure it to be visible. I can open phoscon interface directly in the browser and see the config from there, but not as ingress. Does it work only with docker version?
  • I can connect to phoscon via web interface
  • I can’t connect to deconz via VNC (connection refused). Any special setup to be done after installing deconz on Ubuntu (did I made mistake installing it on server instead of desktop)?
  • what should be configuration parapeters for add on, if deconz is running on other machine?
Host: 192.168.x.x
device: no idea what to put there, but this parameter cannot be omited...?
  • In principle this move did not resolved issues with stability of zigbee network. I still have lights that randomly do not respond to commands (switch off all leaves few light on, but state reported to HA shows that these are turned off). Randomly some lights or sensors become unavailable on network and require power cycling of devices to be seen again in phoscon/HA.

I tried so many different approaches discussed in this thread and my feeling is that it only gets worse and worse… It is not related to complexity of my network, since I do not add devices for some time already. Any idea how to get this to reasonable working conditions?